How to paint the Psychophage from Leviathan for Tyranids in #new40k!

#warhammer40k #tabletopgaming #tyranids

Thanks to @officialwarhammer I knocked out most of the tutorials I wanted to get ready for you from the set before you guys get your hands on Leviathan today! Some of you might already have it and are ready to paint along with me for Leviathan week! Even if you only speed paint the half you don’t care as much about and spend more time on the half you really like, it means you’ll fly through the box and no sprues will be left grey and hidden away in a box gathering dust!

The Psychophage might look a bit complicated but I promise you it uses the exact same steps as a gaunt! I’ve put out 8 Tyranid schemes now, 7 on my channel, and 1 on Patreon, including this, my custom Hive Fleet which finally has a name…

Hive Fleet Morrigan!

Hope you enjoy and as always, ask me any questions you like!

Here’s my Leviathan playlist!

Here’s my videos on the contrast Hive Fleet schemes!

Other Tyranid videos right here:

Basing ideas:

My custom Hive Fleet Morrigan paint list:
Chaos Black
Grey Seer (lighter coat)

FAQ:Adding a light spray of Grey Seer over a full coat of black primer adds a small amount of texture to the primer which gives the contrast paint more to grip on to. It also adds light and shadows which helps define the model more.

Guilliman Flesh (contrast)
Carroburg Crimson (shade)
Screaming Skull (layer)
Wraithbone (layer)
Stegadon Scale Green (base)
Altaitoc Blue (base)
Doombull Brown (layer)
Rattling Grime (contrast)
Volupus Pink (contrast)
Wraithbone (layer)
Use your favourite pure white for any white steps
Ironjawz Yellow (contrast)

Amazon Affiliate Links! (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases you do after following this link – at no cost to you):
Weathering powder :

My favourite paint racks!

Wet Palettes!

We Print Miniature code:

Hope you enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe!

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I’m now a full time content creator and have a lot of plans for the coming year.
I launched my 365 project in this video and would love for you to check it out!

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If my tutorials help you, they might help someone else in your local gaming community, online or in real life!


Music from #InAudio:
Track Name.
Chill Calm Electronic by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / City Beat


37 thoughts on “How to paint the Psychophage from Leviathan for Tyranids in #new40k!”

  1. Oh now that's a pretty nid! I'm basing mine on various lizards, so this big guy will be based on a gila monster. Hopefully with those flesh tones, there'll still be some army similarities. 🤞

    Just gotta remember to film the painting this time. 😂

  2. Thanks for this paint scheme. I've been really struggling for inspiration and this is perfect. Love them and it's inspired me to crack on Leviathan 😁 I can't wait for next week's videos 😊

  3. Looking great. I'm finding it too hot, and I'm too tired to go pick up my set. I might see how tomorrow is and go then.

    But I really do want to get my crimson gauntlet on those new marines and the new nids for my friend's Leviathan army. I still have 24 gaunts, 3 warriors, and 2 rippers to finish painting, plus a tervigon and 10 gargoyles to build.

  4. Cheers Andy! It’s a great scheme. Looking forward to your Leviathan week. Think I will do the Leviathan scheme for my models, but got a few thousand points of Necrons to paint first. Inspired by your Indomitus series so it’s your fault 😂

  5. I love this paint scheme, the soft bits look amazing and I feel very inspired to try this as well. I’ve been testing out 20 different schemes and decided on some kind of blue for the armor, but I wasn’t happy with my idea for super light blue for the soft bits. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great job on the Psychophage ( bet I got that wrong 😂).

    I’m curious about you changing up your scheme by adding that extra area of pink, as you have such a large nid army will you revisit all of them after making a subtle change like this or are you happy enough to just do it from here on?

    I personally cling hard to my paint recipes even to the point a new product comes out and I can’t take advantage of it because I don’t wanna mess with “the recipe” an area I should probably look to work on I guess.

    Anyways keep up the good work and good luck for leviathan week 👍

  7. I CAN'T WAIT to paint the 'Nids when I pick up my copy of the Leviathan box tomorrow. My Hive Fleet is called Tenebreon, and the few models I've bought and painted so far have a nocturnal/abyssal colour scheme. Beetle carapaces inspired me to paint the Tyranid carapaces with Shifting colours (namely Scarab, Skyrat and Cyberia from Turbo Dork) because the former naturally often have an alien look to them IMHO and I think dark colour schemes best fit the Tyranids cosmically horrifying nature.

    My Hive Fleet's name is also a modification of Tenebrionidae, a family of beetles called darkling beetles and I fell in love with the alien flavour of the name 'darkling beetle'.

  8. out of context and something random:
    is there a slighty chance to ask for Mag´har from the warsong clan(word of warcraft) style beastsnagga boy ?
    happy day and thanks for these good tutorials

  9. I don’t paint much, but going to look at following your tyranids. I absolutely love the way you do the skin, but was unsure what colour I was going to do the carapace. I’ve decided to follow your blue as I have decided the nids are on earth, so blue and green. Not 100% where the green will be, but you have inspired me to paint. Thank you.

  10. I paint quite a traditional Leviathan scheme with a few labour intensive edge highlights, but might park that for this guy and try dry brushing some of those on the skin. Want to see this guy on the table quickly!

  11. Knocked it out of the park again mate. Looks 10/10

    Picked up Leviathan yesterday & really looking forward to building my first non-Space Marine models. Your Tyranid videos are about to get a boost in viewership with me trying to figure out colours haha

    Keep up the good Emperor’s work

  12. I really, really love that skin theme. I think, Ill totally rip you off with this. 😂😂😂

    Still havent decided what chapter I will go with for the Space Marines. 🤷🤷🤷 I just want one of the main ones.

  13. Looking forward to tomorrow then! Ill be painting a unit of Necron Lychguard I hope to get done by the end of the month, based and all. Gonna be great to see your daily video while painting, to see your progress, as compared to mine. Of course, yours being far more complicated than my lowly 5 models haha. Also as a necron player, I can atest to a majority of the foot soldier using the same color schemes and techniques. However, once you do get to those vehicle/monster models, all the HQ/characters, and epic heroes, all that added detail, ornate accesories, and weapons will make that same color scheme fall a bit flat. I cant say the same for Tyranids though. There are a few who have some slightly unique anatomies like the psykers and some of the weirder weapon units but for the most part there anatomies all consist of the same biological makeup and stuctures

  14. Man this is just what I was looking for. I've been struggling to choose a skin tone for a while now. I'm gonna use green stuff world's chameleon line, celestial azure blue. I'm curious to see if the doom bull step you used will work on that as well.


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