How to Find and Raid the End City in Minecraft

How to Find and Raid the End City in Minecraft


Learn End Exploring and End City looting in this Minecraft Guide so Learn How to Find Elytra in Minecraft and How to Find Shulker Boxes in Minecraft with this End Dimension Guide. How to Find the End City in Minecraft and Raid an End City in Minecraft Epicly is Covered in this video where I found the Rare End Ship in Minecraft and Discuss End Cities, Shulkers and Elytra and How to Raid Them Effectively, Also How to Find and Raid End Ships and Get Diamond Armor and Other loot in This Minecraft 1.18 End City Guide.

0:00 – Intro
0:13 – How to Find End Cities
3:12 – What You Should Bring
5:28 – How to Raid the End City
7:20 – Using Chorus Fruit
7:50 – Avoiding End City Parkour
8:04 – Killing Shulkers
9:28 – Inventory Management
10:26 – Raiding the Shulker Tower
11:41 – Raiding the End Ship
13:43 – End City Raiding Tips
15:30 – Raiding End Cities with Elytra
16:06 – End Gateways


48 thoughts on “How to Find and Raid the End City in Minecraft”

  1. Definitely think it'd be worthwhile to heavily utilize the ender chests. Put some extra building blocks and food in it, materials for chests. Then you have a place to put stuff you find, plus if you die, you don't lose everything. Easy to transfer your stuff too

  2. As previously mentioned, a stone cutter is the MVP of the End.

    Edit: You can tell when things are getting difficult because Eyecraft starts speaking a lot faster 😉

  3. Just 4 hours ago i watched this video because i had gotten as good as you could get without getting the elytra and shulker boxes i had fully enchanted diamond armor and weapons that all had 4-7 enchantments each item but i wanted to fly so i prep for the journey by watching this video and gathering all the things he says too plus a totem of undying just incase i get there find the end city within seconds of going through the portal loot it all no ship so i didnt get the elytra but got enough for 6 shulker boxes my sword had looting 3 so most of the boxes dropped an item i then proceed to jump from island to island by blocks or by ender pearl if they are close enough for about 30 mins til i find another city with an end ship i begin towering over to the last island as its quite far an ender pearl wouldnt have made it so begin building my way across with planks i then hear endermen noises and im hit off my tower into the void all my shulker boxes and loot from the city plus all my armor and weapons gone and i still have to do it all over again if i want the elytra 😐

  4. I had successfully raided the EndCity and gotten the Elytra. So I decided to fly my way back to the portal to get back to my base. However on my way back I stopped on an island to open the F3 menu to see my coordinates to see if I was going the right way (because for some reason I couldn't really find any traces of the bridging blocks I used to travel from island to island). After I opened my F3 Menu, I realised I angered two endermen by looking at them even though I did not mean to. They killed me instantly even though I had full netherite armour with maximum enchants because I was wearing the Elytra at the time and not my chestplate. it was a sad story. I grinded so much, got perfect armour, got the amazing elytra just to be killed by a couple endermen on my way back home from the city. It was excruciating to say the least. I was so tempted to use cheats and go to creative and grab my items back and I did but then there was the guilty feeling of cheating myself. And since I had no interest in grinding for netherite and enchants another time I just deleted my world lol.

  5. You think spawning on a small end island is bad? Try spawning on a one-block-thick, 1-by-3 platform of End Stone. I widened it for safety reasons. Remember, the Void is the biggest hazard to you and your items in Minecraft.

  6. I was in the end for the first time yesterday, after killing dragon which was time consuming but not difficult( he got those crystals behind iron bars…) i went to find some ships… 10 minutes later i end up accidentally using ender pearl, falling into the void with all my netherite armor set fully enchanted + ofc all my weapons and tools… going again today.

  7. Don't get me wrong I was playing Java back in the day but my nephew and my younger siblings and my friend's kids all play on switches it is so annoying that all these cool little tricks like water logging trap doors or forcing yourself into crouch I cannot get to work for the life of me.

  8. I like how mojang decided that end city's should be based of chorus fruit
    Chorus flower being a chamber of the city and the rest chorus stem

    Btw eyecraft keep up the good work!
    With ur guides I'm able to find structures ezly

  9. A much safer way is to just stack up and poke holes in the roof where u can reach the chests and they cant get u and if you want shells just get the 2 in the entrance and other areas u feel safe

  10. The Advancement "Remote Gateway" has actually been "Remote Getaway" this whole entire time!
    Geta way
    Gate way
    *For proof, look at all Hardcore videos/tutorials and even open up Minecraft and see the Advancement.

    Edit: So, they aren't called →"Gateways,"← even though they teleport you to a completely different place, like a gate, but they teleport you so you can →get away← from mobs.


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