How To Defensive Play | AoE4

The grammar in the title is god awful but I figured it was catchier than proper English. Did I mention this is an English mirror? Well played to both players, definitely have an eye on Jax, that was a mean rush he pulled off. Excited for the season 3 meta. 🙂

This channel focuses in AoE4 1v1, from Bronze to Conqueror. Particular emphasis is placed on learning about the game and helping new players ease their way into the multiplayer scene.

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2 thoughts on “How To Defensive Play | AoE4”

  1. Very cool video. MTJAX kinda blew his game because he forgot a lot to make vills. It goes to show that if you're not playing on conqueror you should not tilt when you're losing because everyone makes a lot of mistakes which could allow you to come back which is what Adne did here.


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