How to Assassinate a Character | The Book of Boba Fett

I, Typoh. Discuss the not-so-recent Disney + show The Book of Boba Fett, its quality, its reception from Star Wars YouTubers such as Star Wars Explained and its portrayal of the aforementioned enigmatic Star Wars character, Boba Fett. The showā€™s portrayal of the popular Star Wars/Lucasfilm character is one that is in direct contrast to his portrayal across other Star Wars Material, such as the Disney + and Jon Favreau/Dave Filoni show: The Mandalorian. Iā€™m typing like this to assist in the algorithm, so I will also add that Boba Fett also appeared in the new Lego Star Wars game: Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga and that Jango Fett also appears in that game, this show, and this video. Furthermore, I allude to the upcoming Disney + Star Wars show Kenobi arriving on May 27th, 2022, now that thatā€™s out of the wayā€¦
00:00 Intro
00:58 The Context of Boba Fett
04:37 Bobaā€™s Origins
06:51 Enter the Mandalorian
08:23 Mando Season 2
09:47 Boba got his show
10:50 What is Bobaā€™s story?
13:07 Responding to the defenders
14:44 Legacy, Misfortune and Motivation
21:09 Bobaā€™s Physicality, Performance and Personality
22:40 Intimidation
25:37 Keep your mask on
28:19 A Terrible Leader
31:33 The Dilution of Boba Fett
34:41 A What Ifā€¦
36:43 Outro/Update
Thumbnail by @Doktor Skipper
Voice Appearance featuring @John Swan (rat)



41 thoughts on “How to Assassinate a Character | The Book of Boba Fett”

  1. There was a part of me that was really hoping all the Tusken bits were going to lead us to the introduction of Darth Krayt, but for the whole thing to be abandoned just made the while bit pointless. Showing Boba get a "family" through the Tuskens and only have him pop off a few shots at a gang in retaliation was a waste as well. He should've strung up each and every one torturing them and being ruthless, only for one to finally spill the beans that they didn't even do it. It was just pointless after pointless plot that bastardized him.

  2. We were screwed from the jump because Din Djarin is Boba Fett. He keeps his helmet on, barely speaks and dislikes other people. Oh and he hunts bounties. Then they decided to bring in the ā€œrealā€ Boba and realized that theyā€™d already turned Din into Boba and panicked.

  3. In my opinion, book of boba fett is an alright show (minus choreography)ā€¦just NOT for Boba Fett.

    I enjoyed it not because it was really well made but because Iā€™m easily pleased by almost anything that is star wars.

  4. Man, you really understand this character just like me. Hopefully they can make Boba the man he's known as to the fans. I love this character and I wasn't satisfied with the way the show handled his character. Tem deserves a better show about Boba Fett. šŸ™‚

  5. Not every f-ing Star Wars character needs a show or movie. Sometimes the mystery is the best part of a character. Especially Boba; the fact that he is one of the most beloved characters based on like 5 minutes of screentime.

    Just a crap show. I didn't like it from the start, but the moped gang was easily the dumbest thing I've ever seen in anything, ever.

    I feel like even the writers realized how bad the show is, which is why they put The Mandalorian in it so much.

  6. I quite liked it to be honest. Wasn't expecting anything exceptional, had some issues with the show like how the mod crew just doesn't look like they live on Tatooine at all, or some weird dialogue choices. But the first episode I loved.

  7. I was thrown off by how generous he was compared to his reputation. When he confronted the bikers stealing water from the moisture farmer I thought he would have just blasted the girl for talking back to him to make his point or something.

  8. I thoroughly appreciate your in depth analysis of the character we know boba to have been (who he was established to be, and the origins), and then, what we received in his show. Here's to hoping season 2 has some form of redemption…but I'll hold my breath. (if the rumors are true)

  9. Film teacher's comment is odd to me. Sure I was excited by the prospect of a Boba Fett show, but when they announced Mandalorian, I wasn't even thinking about Boba Fett. I was like "hey, awesome! That sounds like a refreshing take, hope it works out. Mandos are cool!"

    Then again I followed the old expanded universe and watched the shows, all of which did give a lot more depth to the Mandalorians as a civilization.

  10. There were fans going "he sheds his dishonorable past. He gets better and is more after a man after having a tusken tribe"

    In Mando he shows up in tusken garb to hold a child hostage
    That's how much of a tusken he became
    That's not a good thing
    And I'd say having your buddy aim a rifle at a kid is pretty dishonorable

  11. the reason why we love the mandalorian is because he is what boba fett was and is supposed to be.
    at least the book of boba fett is not so bad like the sequels and has some good moments.

    awesome video anyway!

  12. Comics boba is the best version of boba, the comic where he has to get the carbonite holding Han fixed which ends with him wearing black armour doing gladiatorial combat on a cyberpunk future world with a spiderwoman is so great

  13. You have amazing videos! I 100% agree with this and your MCU video and I mostly agree with your streaming video! Keep it going, you work hard on your edits and videos so I appreciate the quality over quantity!

  14. The dilution of integral traits to separate characters has already been done before by George and Dave, and failed miserably. Those characters are General Grievous and Darth Vader. George felt the need to neuter Grievous' character and story because he felt that having a Jedi killer with a tragic backstory made Grievous too similar to Vader. But that's about where their similarities end, AND having them retain those similarities at all served the greater good of the overall narrative. Grievous in Legends had a justifiable hatred towards the Jedi, same as Anakin, but Canon went and changed things to "oh Grievous was jealous because he didn't have the Force." Vader and Grievous coexisted perfectly fine back in Legends until the higher ups went out of their way to make them "different."

  15. 13:40 I do know(im not sure if its cannon or legends) but basically bobafett will take orders and follow them as exactly as he can if he gets hired because his dad Jango taught him to be respectful of his clients and they back to him

    And Jango is a very well written characters but ya need to read comics and novels on him for it

  16. Can we talk about the broken timeline thing? Book of boba fett is placed an hour or 2 after return of the Jedi. He goes from a young agile bounty hunter around 30 to dad bod. Like..what?? I get they wanted the ā€œauthenticā€ actor but honestly the man just doesnā€™t look good in the role anymore I hate to say it. They couldā€™ve gotten any young look alike and it wouldā€™ve made it so much more bearable to watch. Also with a younger actor they couldā€™ve done a way better more action packed story instead of dopy peaceful crime boss who honors respect. HES A CRIME BOSS. EX BOUNTY HUNTER AND UR TELLING ME CHILLING WITH SOME TUSCANS MADE HIM THAT USELESS

  17. Boba is also made an idiot in this show. Fenic is the one explaining how tatooine works and how to survive a ruthless life and heā€™s literally a bounty hunter who did jobs in tatooine and has been across the galaxy. Heā€™s worked for jaba the man shouldnā€™t be getting useless dialogue spit at him by an unknown character for us. He already knows what fenic explains to him

  18. I haven't watched any of the new Star Wars stuff. I grew up watching the original trilogy, and I also liked the Phantom menace. This was really only because I liked qui-gon. Vader and Fett are my favorite characters. I think the main draw for me with set was his armor. I tried to make some of my own, but that was a miserable failure. Hey, I was 10 years old. Anyway, he was so mysterious and foreboding, so intriguing. That is what makes him my favorite character now that I'm an adult. After seeing a few videos about the book of fett, and mandalorian, I have to say I am glad that I did not keep up on the franchise. It seems like a waste of time. It's very sad, though.


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