How the Washington Post "Updates" Its Fact Checks to Cover Up for the Bidens

I explain how the Washington Post routinely “updates” its fact checks to cover up falsehoods, as they have done in the case of …


31 thoughts on “How the Washington Post "Updates" Its Fact Checks to Cover Up for the Bidens”

  1. Trump – Is a clear and present danger to The United States of America.

    He has called for the overthrow of a legitimate government!

    He has incited domestic violence, and encouraged the Peoples to reject our Democratic system.

    Over his four years in office – he disrespected every aspect of America!

    He refused to watch the daily Intel reports; he disregarded all protocol for Classified papers; He denigrated the Military;

    He actually praises the enemies of Freedom and America eg Putin and Xi!

    He backs up and encourages the violence of the right wing extremists eg Patriot Boys.

    "The religious mind is primed to accept lies. Presented with an extraordinary claim,

    it does not demand extraordinary evidence, but instead engages faith to overcome skepticism.

    Their religion has taught evangelicals to accept, rather than to question."

    "Trump’s constant waterfall of outright lies landed on amenable minds.

    His support was greater among regular churchgoers than among lukewarm believers.

    The greater the faith, the more subordinate healthy skepticism becomes.

    So the biblical fetish for totalitarians may have helped America elect its first."

  2. Does anyone else see the irony of a 'fact-checker' that can claim something is 'partly true' or 'mostly false'?
    Once upon a time, a fact was 100% true. That's a fact!
    When you claim to be a fact-checker and start claiming something is partly true then you're not fact checking, you're pushing an agenda.
    If the fact you're checking supports your agenda; then you claim it's partly true, if it doesn't, then it's mostly false.

  3. When "news sources" have to have "Fact checkers", you know they're lying through their teeth….I've always assumed that was their REPORTER'S JOB, to dig up the FACTS of a story and REPORT THEM. you know, legit REASEARCH….

  4. We relaxed our morals because of liberal pressure – they claimed our morals were "hurting people". (Hurting liars is evil?)
    So liars gradually infiltrated MSM and government, and since we weren't allowed to "hurt the liars' feelings" they took control.

  5. It's a waste of time to complain about the WP. It's a left-wing propaganda sheet, it's never been anything else, and it'll print any lie it chooses. Conservatives should be founding their own newspapers instead.

  6. "If the dinner that didn't happen did happen, Joe Biden wasn't there." Yes, I often want to know who wasn't at events that never happened. That's just unbiased reporting, right? It's not narrative setting in service of the state, is it?

  7. The Left pretty much disregards all laws, rules, and regulations in order to achievetheir ends. That's only going to cause everyone to disregard law, because laws will stand for nothing.

  8. The reason these outlets will not accept being wrong is because to do so would mean making amends. Amends for all the lives that have been ruined by persuading the masses to cancel, fire, divorce, hate, disown and disassociate, discontinue and kick out anyone in their cross hairs regardless of whether they are right or wrong.

  9. So the Washington Post is blind to the fact that they are making fools of themselves, and turning themselves into non-journalists with every falsehood?? It takes a while, but they will pay for their lack of integrity. Do people actually stll believe them?? Read their "paper?"


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