How the Soviets Lost the Race to Mars

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47 thoughts on “How the Soviets Lost the Race to Mars”

  1. Ракета "Молния" в первую очередь была предназначена для запуска высокоорбитальных и геостационарных спутников связи (также называемые "Молния" и "Радуга")

  2. thank you for another great video! as to the "Buran", can we say it failed? Technically speaking, it as in a sense better than the Space Shuttle. "Buran"s life was not easy, but it managed to return form the space in one piece. It simply was born in the very wrong time…

  3. There’s some tubing on the M-69 probe that looks like the Roland Corporation logo, in reverse. Roland was founded in 1972 in Osaka, Japan. I actually bet this is not a mere coincidence. Japanese designers are very clever.

  4. This he call the monster great líder ? He was friends with hitler until Hitler decided to invade Rusia. Just like Putin today he anéxales Poland. He then went to kill many in Rusia , sometimes randomly, and sent thousands to retraining camps.

  5. Loved the longer and very detailed video. Definitely one of your best ones to date and I’ve seen the majority. Keep it up, you are a great history buff and my small circle of friends loves your content

  6. If NASA did land on the moon 50 years ago, circled the moon 30-70 times in 2-3days,

    and drove a battery powered electric buggy and played golf there and came back….

    All done in about 10 days….

    How come it now takes 25 days to go to the moon, circle the moon once, and comeback…

    All done with no human inside, just mannequins with bunch of radiation sensors…

    Make sense?

  7. Nobody won and nobody won… If ever there would have been a competition in space, the result would be Soviet Union 200 vs United States 2…..

    Haven't we learned anything from the past ?! Isn't it maybe time that both the US and Russia grow up and act like civilized nations ? Apparently those brain death leaders on both sides do still have enough power to indoctrinate both nations, otherwise we wouldn't see a dumb title like this.

  8. This is the one that finally made me sign up to your Patreon, but I should have done it long ago. Your takes on geopolitics, chips, and space are always fascinating and funny. Looking forward to more.

  9. 18:34 Americans are f*ing weird. 4850 kg are 4.85 tons.
    If you're inclined to switch measurement systems you have to use unique names!
    It wouldn't be even clear to me with a measurement system that in my mind is associated with "the English language" because you didn't specify long or short tons and my association/intuition doesn't reach deep enough to instinctively know which type of to would be appropriate in this context. (and I seriously hope you don't think there's just three types of tons)

    In conclusion: it's the continued usage of old names that's the real problem with US customary units (no, not imperial). Sadly there are also metric tons and metric pounds that merely benefit from the saner conversion factors.

  10. Some notes:

    * the R-7 wasn't a V-2 derivative. Earlier rockets like R-1 and R-2 were, but R-7 was a clean sheet design, much larger than a V-2 and using very different engines and propellant
    * Object D was not Sputnik 1, it was Sputnik 3. It wasn't ready when the rocket was so Sputnik 1 was constructed as a simpler stand in.
    * At 22:30 you show an image of a Proton but its not carrying a Mars probe, its carrying a prototype manned lunar flyby craft (confusingly also called "Zond")

  11. Great video as always. One minor correction "Object D" refers to Sputnik 3 not the original Sputnik a.k.a. Sputnik 1. Object D was not ready in time so they decided to proceed with a simpler satellite first.

  12. If I recall one Soviet Satellite was sent on a worldwide tour. And while it was in the United States, the CIA was able to get a chance to get their hands on it. And so during one night they had the truck driver deliver the satellite to another location and they then meticulously took it apart and studied every single component it had, but then they ran into problems as to putting it back together turned into a race against time as some of the parts wouldn’t go back together or they had to replace some of the components with US Made equivalents, and they also installed American Made screws. And when the Satellite made it back to the Soviet Union, the engineers had discovered that it had been tampered with when some of their tools didn’t work on some of the screws.

  13. Lol.
    Nobody has lost anything because no one has been to Mars or the moon for that matter.
    The evidence is overwhelming against it and not one piece of empirical evidence that supports it.
    That's okay, some people just enjoy humping their globe.


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