How the Royals aided D-Day | King's grandfather's diaries set to REVEAL extent of royal involvement

‘The King has his grandfather’s diary…’

Royal Correspondent Cameron Walker on new revelations expected about the role of royals in the war, and what royal engagements are set for the anniversary of D-day.

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35 thoughts on “How the Royals aided D-Day | King's grandfather's diaries set to REVEAL extent of royal involvement”

  1. Ridiculous commemoration. The Western Front was a breeze compared to the Eastern Front. The British and Americans fought mostly 17-18 year old Luftwaffe and Kreigsmarines sailors. The only regular German army units there were husks of destroyed formations on the Eastern Front.

  2. the disrespect in these comments is disturbing those who died or those who didn't are not to blame for what our country has turned into WE ARE own in and try changing it our veterans deserve more respect

  3. I guarantee they didn't give their lives for the country we have now. They didn't die to have 2.5 million immigrants come to uk in 2 years.
    They didn't die to allow illegal immigrants to come over in dingys.
    100% sure they didn't die for any of the crap happening to this country now.
    The government(s) dishonour them and their legacy.
    Shame on Labour and Tories. Shame on them.

  4. Absolutely sickening to witness the sheer hypocrisy of the monarchy and politicians giving empty speeches concerning the huge sacrifice our ancestors made yet, here we have the same bastards ruining our country with corrupt politics and mass migration. Traitor's and betrayers all of them Disgusting 😡😡😡

  5. I must look into d day more. I mean ive known of and about it briefly through the years from various sources ever since i was a kid but i need technicalities education… because it still really gets me on why the heck they used boats that opened at the front like that. Rip to our fallen troops.

  6. Is this a joke or has GB news been fooled again. We all know the poor go to war whilst the rich stay at home and create the wars. The royals did dialysis squat during the war, in fact a large percentage of the royal family were on Hitlers side, one was even killed in a plane crash on his way to make a deal with him. Get your facts right GB news.


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