How The Left is Manufacturing a Civil War

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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network


13 thoughts on “How The Left is Manufacturing a Civil War”

  1. The right has zero understanding of politics, we will always be a piñata because: WE HAVE NO INFRASTRUCTURE!!! The left has 90% of the media & EVERY institution worldwide. I can think of at at least 3 dozen. It is a slaughter. “What happens means nothing. How the information is distributed means everything.” While the left was busy building a winning machine, the right just whines from the sidelines!

  2. We need this info because we're not going to hear this from anywhere else in the demon-possessed media.
    Unless one is hiding under a rock it is obvious that our society is headed toward self-destruction.
    Revelation 6 is just around the corner.
    All the books, talk shows, and rhetoric won't change a darn thing.
    It doesn't matter who is president, what we are witnessing is the judgment of God.
    The only book one should read is the Bible. Thousands of years ago it foretold all you need to know for this generation.

  3. They’re right and Only Jesus Christ can help us now! This is insane and seems to be falling apart but it’s all falling into place exactly as God’s Living Word prophesies.. Come quickly Lord Jesus! The Rapture is imminent! 🙏👆🏼🔥✝️🥳

  4. 3:45 How many of you know that Abe Lincoln was negotiating with Britain, Spain & France, to have all Africans removed from the Continental United States, and relocated to South America, Africa, and other Islands?

  5. That spinning Earth lie in your background makes me wonder about you.
    Genesis 1 tells us we live under a firmament solid enough to hold back water. He tells us He put the sun, moon and stars within the firmament. He tells us that the moon has its own light, not that the sun shines on it. Either God or man is lying.

    Job 38:14 says the Earth takes form like clay under a seal.

    Over and over the Bible says the Earth does not move. 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 33:8-9, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5, Isaiah 14:7, Zechariah 1:12 (just a small sampling)

    Believe God, not man.

  6. Brannon. Invite me on the show and let’s talk about the lie that keeps us all slaves. The earth is not a spinning globe 🌎 and I will show you why it matters. Hit me up. My email is on the about page of my channel.


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