How The CIA Faked A Vampire Attack

Its no secret the CIA has done a lot of questionable operations but this one takes the cake, The CIA Faked a vampire attack to take over a country…

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7 thoughts on “How The CIA Faked A Vampire Attack”

  1. Y'all right though. No matter what country we were born in we prob had parents who taught us to love one another and to help our fellow human. Yet our government teaches us to hate those very people because they were born in a country we are at war with, and their government teaching them the same.

  2. Really love that josh started getting into theology. Adam and eve story. Knowledge etc. Makes me think of Buddhism and how Buddha was in the temple/castle or whatever for a long ass time protected against "suffering." And once he journied out he discovered the entire world is suffering. Almost like the garden they were in was an "ignorance is bliss" type place and the serpent was providing them with "knowledge" which in turn broke their entire belief system up until that point and thus they were forced to be "banished."


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