How Secondary Sanctions Killing Russian Economy Slowly But Surely

Rich Russians have no place to hide their money abroad. To them it’s become a serious problem.


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How Secondary Sanctions Killing Russian Economy Slowly But Surely


35 thoughts on “How Secondary Sanctions Killing Russian Economy Slowly But Surely”

  1. For me the biggest inigma of this is? Why Russia started all of this I try to understand see videos, read a lot about it and nobody can give me a explanation, they are killing all generation of young man , others fly way , they were selling a lot of products to Europe at good prices and winning a lot of money , there's economy was growing very nice , I'm sorry my ignorance but for me is completely unexplainable.

  2. I hope the West will strenghten its sanctions further. There are still many Russian Elites who are unsanctioned. For example the spouse of the Russian deputy defense minister who enjoys the western lifestyle using tax payer money – which just recently got uncovered, highly recommended:

  3. It saddens me that Russia cannot take its rightful place on the world stage. But if this whole world doesn’t change its attitude we are all doomed. How daft can we human beings get?!

  4. Hello Konstantinos! I greatly appreciate all of your comments on this channel. I have a question to you: Should South Africa stay or pull out of the IPC regarding the international arrest warrant against Putin when he will travel to SA for the BRICS reunion? What is your opinion on that? Bonjour de Montréal au Québec.

  5. The Asian political analyst predicted that the Russian real war is not going to be fought with the USA or NATO but instead is with China due to the fact that Chinese have long taught their children about Vladivostok is Chinese territory and it's has been waiting for the upcoming Russian weaken by the war with Ukrainians. Do you think this might be true?

  6. Putin and his gang of criminals have been stealing from the Russian people, for over the past 20 years. Now Putin is killing both Russians and Ukrainians , in an illegal unprovoked war. Putin wants to stay in power so he can continue, lying and stealing from the Russian people,. There is no Russian political opposition, because he thinks he has silenced it. All freedom of speech in Russia has currently gone.

  7. Are Russians permitted to buy gold? Here in the UK the economy is doing very badly, mostly because we left the EU. There are several companies advertising on TV where you can buy gold. Has Konstantin managed to avoid financial hardship since he left Russia?

  8. Nothing makes me worry more than you saying "Russia turned into a jar full of spiders and you are trapped in it"…. 😅👾

    So… anyway its good that I dont live in Russia… but now that I know its a jar full of spiders I dont want it to open. Its now on my mind like Schrodingers Spider-Jar… but look after it all the time, else it might be open XD

  9. Don't complain about your Russian economy. Your president is responsible for the well-being of his citizens. U.S. and much of the world is suffering as well. All because of ONE person.

  10. You are very sick to get pleasure in Russians having their money taken by the USA, when some have NOTHING to do with this 9 yr conflict. A horrible view. I hope the Russian military respond in a big way.

  11. Thanks for the analysis Konstantin. I really like the idea of sanctions instead of weapons. Sanctions are temporary, can be removed quickly, can be increased if necessary, can be targeted to avoid unnecessary hardship (like exempting medicine and baby food), do not kill anyone and sends a strong message without having to destroy any buildings or infrastructure. I only hope that the pressure from the sanctions is eventually enough to stop this war and to return lasting peace to your part of the world. Ukrainians deserve the right to live in peace on their own land just as much as Russians have that same right. I think the sticking point of the eventual solution will be Crimea — I predict that Crimea will become a UN protectorate for five years or so, then they'll receive the right to a UN sponsored referendum as to whether they wish to join Russia or return to Ukraine. It should be their choice.

  12. Unfortunately, I can't listen to chatter for so long. Greetings to all from Russia. Over the past year, nothing has changed in Russia, neither in the set of goods in the store, nor in the relations of the population. Perhaps someone is experiencing difficulties in production, but it is not visible to an ordinary person, all the goods are there, prices have changed little, the state continues to finance all social projects. Cities continue to build their infrastructure. The country's economy will have a slight growth this year. The fact that Western goods are being replaced is a reality. For example, the aircraft industry, recently in Russia began the production of new aircraft, new engines, built plants for the production of carbon fiber, and thousands more devices and materials needed in the aircraft industry. Now Russia is able to produce the most modern aircraft at the level of Boeing or Airbus.

  13. What an educational statements I felt I went to school and being educated thank you Konstantin for the effort you’ve made to deliver these message .. I will surely pass your message to friends .. good luck and be safe

  14. It’s unbelievable how many Russian people go through life with their blinders on. They have bought the Russian propaganda hook, line and sinker. Russias narrative of America is our enemy is laughable. Russia needs someone to blame as the elites are stealing the Russian citizens money. Can you imagine how different Russias pathetic war in Ukraine would be had they actually used their defense budget on their military instead of stuffing their personal bank accounts. America is not Russias enemy because Russia has nothing than America needs. Russia does however have everything that China needs, land, natural resources, etc. Let’s see how long it takes for Russia to figure out who their true enemies are.


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