How SCOTUS Could CRUSH Labor Strikes | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

Krystal and Saagar have Max Alvarez talk with Harvard labor law expert Terri Gerstein about an upcoming SCOTUS case that could gut the ability workers have to strike

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28 thoughts on “How SCOTUS Could CRUSH Labor Strikes | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar”

  1. This whole argument is based on the concept that all employees are good and employers are predatory…. when do we accept that some people are just horrible employees. Absolutely there are predatory and malicious employers but I find it hard to belive that is the majority. This argument is basing its position that employers are in the predatory position in most cases

  2. Another incredibly important story, that is nearly nowhere to be found on main stream media. Thank You, for covering this upcoming threat to the working class of America.

  3. Union workers need to get together and tell the federal government to take your Medicare Advantage and privatization of Medicare and stick it up their butthole! Your retirees are being hit now and current and future workers won't get the healthcare the union has provided for generations.

  4. Unions are just another political tool. You are just the opposite side of the same coin. The large unions are run by people who also don’t have real jobs.

  5. Conservative Republicans don't mind working hard for low wages. They firmly believe that poverty is a non issue, and infact poverty makes them closer to God and Heaven. So at the end of the day, they don't prioritize Unions as their top issue.

  6. Max, you look as sloppy as your opinions. Assuming intent is a great way to mislead people. Those of you that like this guy may agree with what stands for(fair employment) but unions are shitty. I’ve worked on both sides and neither ever seem happy about it. Best thing to do is stand up for yourself and know what you’re worth. If an employer is treating you unfairly get a new job

  7. #HostLife – The people have been turned into "hosts" (a food source – rent payers) for the 1% parasites (leeches – rent collectors) by the re-establishment of the "West Virginia Coal Mine Experience"™ (circa 1900). See Earned Vs. Unearned income

    By incrementally monopolizing necessities (food, water, shelter, utilities, even information), by debt expansion, and by wage suppression: we now work in their company "mines" (cube farms, whatever), live in their company housing (mortgage), shop in their company store (credit card debt), pay MONOPOLY prices for basic necessities.

    Literally, cradle to grave slavery to a small collection of "Nanny" Transnational Corporations (all owned at the top by a handful of investors)

  8. I would love the right to sue my company for staffing shortages, my boss can find the people but her boss won't give her the hours this leaves us with less personnel then we need and more work then we should have to handle with no flexibility in a line of work that requires flexibility, i find myself rooting for my company losing the contract so that i can get a more competent company i never did that to the last two!

  9. So I love Max's videos and I pray he continues to give a platform for people working behind the scenes fighting the fight. My only bit of critique is something I've noticed in his interviews where he starts going on one of the "Monologues" that BP has trained him very well to do. When guests come on his show, I want to be able to hear as much of their work as possible; I sometimes find Max's monologues to get in the way of that, while they sit and listen to his opinion. Again, I love the show! Please continue do what you do! Lmk if y'all ever visit Hampton Roads. God bless my friend ✌🏽

  10. this country is not THAT bad, and some unions are THAT powerful.
    my wife worked a minimum wage BS job at hallmark in California. Even though she wasn't in an actual union, she paid union dues! that's BS!
    – signed by a guy who never signed a "social contract" and loves this "poor excuse for a society"

  11. Sorry, I want nothing to do with your unions. And if I'm working somewhere that decides to unionize, I will leave immediately. I've dealt with too many union slugs before. Overpriced deadweight is all to common. No thanks!


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