How Russia's war exposed the dark side of luxury London

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and resultant sanctions on President Putin’s oligarch elite, a spotlight has been firmly cast on the British capital and its complicity as a store for dirty money. Now, the British government is seeking to salvage its reputation with a clampdown on corruption. But will it be successful? And just how will London fare without its fix of forbidden finance?

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40 thoughts on “How Russia's war exposed the dark side of luxury London”

  1. And yet it's the common citizens who're suffering under sanctions, unable to hide from the police after being beaten for protesting of just wearing clothes in Ukrainian flag colours, unable to buy medicine, run away from mobilization or even send money to those who managed to escape. And those who are truly guilty have at least 2 citizenships, their families live and study abroad and enjoy a happy life in their luxurious apartments around the world. It were the European countries who sold Russia arms to fight protesters. And now you're simulating surprise. Dirty money, oh boy. Oh how nice. Hypocrisy at it's best.

  2. This is no longer secret, dirty money laundering is common not only from Russia so media don’t sensationalised it. All countries including those poor ones have flats or houses in London or UK

  3. Isn't this all sort of a moot point? We, the people, will never be able to expose and destroy the web of evil that has been built up. The oligarchs are in the midst of taking over our governments to ensure that future deregulation is not inhibited and corruption is not hindered by "bothersome" laws. We have no concept of the evil that the world is facing.

  4. How come ukraine blew up there mall, how come the bidens and pentagon put 46 bio labs in ukraine, how come all media lies like pigs that dont fly straight, how come there are tunnel's at 10 kilometers that connect military bases, how come you all dont ask the questions that need to be adk, how come the media and elites support pedophilia and Adrenochrome manufacturing harvesting from babies???????!!!!!!!!!!……..

  5. So investigators identified around 9 billion dollars worth of assests that are of questionable origin. Cool. What is that? Ten houses in london? You are going to have to do better boys.

  6. So if you work hard and you reach success and buy the property in London, you r buying it with dirty money? 😂😂😂 What a stupid accusation, journalism used to be a profession for talented ppl who got at the bottom of truth, now it’s a joke. After brits colonized half of the world, the money they used to build the country with, isn’t dirty right. Only if you are Russian and you work hard, it is. Like those oligarchs where sitting on a beach all day or did criminal activities, and the wealth and successful businesses landed on them. Omg give a break…

  7. If you happen to save up some cash (£2000) and try to buy a second hand car you have to provide proof of origin where the money's from ( because they want to prevent money laundry)
    If you have £2mill or more through doggy offshore, fictive companies then it's fine and you even get a free visa too 🤣🤦‍♂️🤣

  8. 'Londongrad', 'Moscow-on-Thames'… That Russian money has been given a warm welcome in London is no secret. Even the Hare Krishna temple is run by devotees of Russian origin.


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