How Paul Created Christianity–His [Mis]Appropriation of Four Hebrew Bible Texts

In this interview with Youtube host Derek Lambert @MythVisionPodcast I put forth my thesis that Paul created a new religion that became known as Christianity by taking four texts from the Hebrew Bible and interpreting them in ways totally foreign to their contextual meanings. I fully realize that interpretations of sacred texts among Jewish groups in the late 2nd Temple period vary widely–and a diversity of methods are evident that have little to do with embedded narrative contexts. However, these four particular texts involve an entirely new construct in Paul’s hands–one that I believe would have been quite foreign to John the Baptizer, Jesus himself, or to his Jerusalem followers led by his brother James–the triad of founders of the movement. In fact, in the New Testament letter we know now as “James,” these very issues are addressed explicitly.


27 thoughts on “How Paul Created Christianity–His [Mis]Appropriation of Four Hebrew Bible Texts”

  1. But does Paul recommend that the law regarding non-muzzling of oxen be done away with ? or not be observed so strictly? Maybe he is saying that the law should definitely be observed, but that we shift the emphasis of its value from the animal's welfare to our own : ie it is not good for our spiritual health to see animals mistreated?

  2. Righteousness is possible and mentioned so many times in the old Testament and also in the New Testament.
    For instance:
    Proverbs 12: 10 The righteous man knows the nature of his animal but even the kindness of the wicked is crue.
    Genesis 6: 9 Noah was a righteous man
    Psalm 112: 6 Surely the righteous will NEVER be shaken
    So in the old testament it was possible to live righteously by keeping God's 10 commandments (I am talking about the 10 commandments not the ADDED Leviticus laws or seremonial laws "of Moses"
    This put a big question to the reasons why Jesus died.
    Was He MURDERED (and a Sacrificial death was added to Him for forgiveness of sins) ??
    Or was Righteousness ALWAYS possible by keeping the 10 Commandments.
    Did Jesus just come to earth to show God the Father's TRUE Character.
    So what did they do ?? They repeated their MURDEROUS ancestry and killed Jesus.
    BUT, to say He was killed for NOTHING would not fit into their narrative.
    "They had to find another reason for Jesus to have died and pinned Jesus death on the Father (WHO GAVE HIS SON AS A "SACRIFICE")
    Now that puts ALL the blame on the Father – not the Romans and Jews who crucified and murdered Jesus.

  3. No darling Abraham DID stagger in his faith.
    He lost his faith that is why he allowed Sarah to HELP him make a son through Hagar the slave girl.
    Paul is a liar if he said Abraham did NOT stagger in his faith

  4. I look at the passages a little differently.

    Take the Matthew passage: look at the "Egypt" in both the OT place and in Revelation. Look at what happens in Egypt: it's the ruler of Egypt that is trying to kill the savior in both cases. The book of Revelation gives the right nuance, but Matthew is mistaking or miswording the spiritual tradition. This is the concept of an "it will be built, but in times of trouble" kind of a thing. Also, the "woman" has to have terrible birth pangs in order to build something new.

    You get the same sense of the usage of the scriptures later with the name of Jesus. The angel says to name him Jesus, and this appearance and command of the angel and the rest (these thingS: plural) are to fulfill the Isaiah 7:14 passage. Why? Because Jesus is God that is with us? No, but because the birth and the command of the angel are seen to be based on the word in Isaiah spiritually.

    This is not a replacement, as Derek described modern Christians doing, and it is not merely an appropriation, but rather, this method dovetails with how Paul interprets the body of Christ and such things as that.

    It's actually really solid, and no one has all of the pieces.

  5. any apprope is good, dare to go out the lines ; Out of egypt I called Sponsian
    is my current favorit . And Paul is the 'called' apostle . . . Paul is James, there is no polemic
    it is all the same cup of soup.

  6. You have one mistake you all deserve want to go heaven that you messed up HASHEMS WORLD
    you have a Religion and defend your Religion
    Do not Slander
    TORAH is not Bible and new testament can't never Replace Torah
    Saul the Orthodox Jew walk on his way to Damascus and then he met jesus then he became Paul 300 years after jesus death … who witness this and he wrote half the christain bible
    you pray to a jesus
    It is Idolatry you break 10 commandments
    you want to proof yourselves believe is right

  7. Just a warning to you HASHEM SAID I WILL BLESS THE ONES THAT BLESS YOU BUT I WILL CURSE THE ONES THAT CURSE YOU ! do not Slander the Rabbis, you spread hatred Jews do not hate Gentiles, but you Christians hate Jews and spread hate
    Jews will not worship the Moshiach… the Moshiach will rebuild the Third Temple
    And all Nations will repent and see HASHEM AS THE ONLY G-D
    Christianity is a cult
    Here is through about Paul
    Breakoff of the Christians

    The original Christians were Jews who acted Jewishly in all respects except for their belief in Yeshu. Eventually, the Christians realized that the Jewish people would not accept their idolatrous beliefs, and decided to introduce their religion to the Gentile world. Instrumental in this endeavor was a Jew named Paul, with whom the major tenets of Christianity originate. In order to make Christianity palatable to non-Jews, Paul taught that the Torah's commandments do not have to be kept; instead, faith in Yeshu was all that mattered.
    Paul traveled all over the Roman Empire, attracting many converts to Christianity, a new religion which borrowed ideas from the Torah, some of its morals and ethics, and some rituals, which Paul combined with pagan rites. Not content with rewriting basic Judaism, Paul also claimed that the gentile Christians supplanted the Jews as G‑d's chosen people, and that the Christian New Testament had replaced the Torah. He also taught that the Jews killed Yeshu and could only be saved only if they turn to his worship. Such teachings, although not the sole basis for Christian anti-Semitism, played a significant role in the way post-Pauline Christians viewed the Jewish people. As two scholars put it:

    “Those who believe Paul taught such ideas are able to cite many passages from his own writings in support of their interpretation. If they are right, he must be held responsible for the theological anti-Judaism that soon grew up in the Church and proved to be the ancestor of later anti-Semitism. In any case, since his writings so eloquently set forth the Christian myth, inherently anti-Jewish as it turned out to be, he can hardly escape all responsibility for the implications that later generations found in it."
    "So when it comes to the question of the origin of Christian hatred for Jews, Paul is at the story's center. His letters, as the oldest extant Christian writings, show him at his most flawed. His rage, prejudice, and self-obsession are as evident as his courage, gentleness, and faith."
    By 100 CE, Christianity was an exclusively non-Jewish religion.

  8. The issue is that the scriptures Jesus and Paul had access are not the ones we currently have. If you want to understand early christianity and pre-exilic faith, study Temple Theology. Everything will make sense.

  9. From india. Jesus is not a person. He is the sacred secretion or christos released by the pineal pituitary in every human being. Paul is a fictional character, like everybody in the Bible.

  10. Egypt is the lower mind, Israel is the higher mind.khmet is the original name for Egypt. The Bible is about neuro physiological ascension. No place or person is real in the Bible. Watch pastor Bill donahue of New Jersey. His videos are almost 30 years ago. Also read george washington carey, American biochemist. His books will blow your mind. From india

  11. There's just always been something abt Saul of Tarsus that just didn't click right with me, even from a young age. I'm a [very flawed] believer in Yeshua & I think Saul was one of the very wolves in sheep's clothing he warned his disciples abt & eventually they realised his "fruit" when they started hearing talk of his anti-Mosaic law teachings he was spreading & attaching Yeshua's name to. He was a nobody, worse than a nobody in fact, he was a persecutor of Yeshua's Talmidim. Yeshua wasn't trying to start a new god-man religion, he was trying to purify the faith of his father's that had become tainted with the man-made leaven of the Pharisee's. YHVH is God, creator of all & Yeshua was his anointed servant he sent to shepherd them back to the true path. For me personally I reject every one of the so-called Pauline books & in fact I believe John's Apocalypse makes reference to Saul & his followers who were de-Israelising the movement & making it just another synchronus Gentile god-man superstition. I should've grown up celebrating Pesach not Easter, Hannukah not "Christmas".

  12. We observed the feast of Saint Stephen yesterday, and his murder, like Jesus, was at the behest of the Freedmen rabbis. The conflicts that true followers had with temple authorities, and later papal authorities were continuous, and ironically produced the martyrs needed to advance the mythologies through the symbolic power of self-sacrifice for faith and adherence to the most fundamental messages preached by Jesus. This is a dangerous thing to people in power.

  13. I really don’t see Paul doing much of anything the rabbis didn’t also do. The rabbis didn’t just allegorize scripture to their own contexts, keeping the gist sort of intact. They also twisted scripture, distorting and eliminating the gist altogether. Consider Babylonian tractate Sanhedrin and how the rabbis derive punishments and prohibitions for different roles in incest, pederasty, bestiality, etc. They often, even typically, distort scriptural passages out of all recognition, just like Paul. It becomes so ridiculous and outlandish that it would be funny, were it not for the murderous sanctimoniousness and legalism and such. The only difference was that the rabbis’ situation, unlike Paul’s, didn’t allow for the creation of a whole new religion out of whole cloth, though it did certainly radically transform that religion nonetheless, away from the temple cult toward something more like the Judaism we have today.

  14. Mathew 23 13-31. Leonardo da Vinci said " The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions " Plato shared with us wisdom he learnt from Egypt, wisdom that was a death sentence in Greece, Rome (Christianity) ..Pythagoras, Socrates and later Hypatia of Alexandria. Plato in his dialogue " The Republic " tells the parable of " The Cave " Plato starts by telling us of prisoners being held in a underground den, let us examine this den via the geometry of Bernhard Riemann and Felix Klein..Klein bottle..3rd and 4th dimensions. Plato tells us that the prisoners are bound up unable to move their heads, let us examine this bondage via the psychology of Erich Fromm..socialisation of consciousness..aware-unaware. Plato tells us that the prisoners mistake shadows for substance, let us examine this mistake via the philosophy of Thales, Hume and Kant..synthetic a priori judgement..not thing in itself. Plato tells us that one of the prisoners is released, let us examine this release via the wisdom of T Lobsang Rampa..stilling the mind and conscious astral travel..leaving the cave/body.Plato tells us that the prisoners will reject this release, let us examine this rejection via the psychology of Stockholm Syndrome..Plato quotes Homer..forgive them for they know not what they say. Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. Mathew 23 13 31.

  15. Why do I feel better ignoring all organized religion? I find the temptations they force to be worthy of resisting. I find more than enough temptations in daily life without throwing in problems of others.

  16. The forged verses in 2 Peter (assuming the rest is genuine) 3:15-16: "Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contains some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, just as they do other Scripture, to their own destruction." 🙄

    Yet as Dr. James Tabor here, and Rabbis Tovia Singer and Michael Sokolov elsewhere have shown, Paul himself was distorting those scriptures!


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