How Much Money My Business Made in 2022

Love you all. Thanks for an incredible year. 🙂 Go and get yours in 2023.


49 thoughts on “How Much Money My Business Made in 2022”

  1. Everything you do is for your family, you’re humble and down to earth but also you share your knowledge without being like other in your face, shouty entrepreneurs with their get rich quick schemes. THAT is why people subscribe to you.

    What an inspiration. 🤘🏼

  2. First off Eric, you deserve to be where you are. You paid your dues in the classroom and out. You are living proof that if you have a plan and work that plan with no limitations, that the sky is truly the limit. You didn't have to tell anyone any of this, but you looked extremely humble doing so. Family is truly everything and I remember when my son, who is 35 was 8, so that times goes by really fast, but I made time for all of his Boy Scouts, Karate, football, wrestling, and debate team events and I was able to be there to see him get the letter on his jacket and his graduation.

    I wasn't at every game, but I was at enough of them, especially when he took his school to state finals two years in a row for debate, that he stills remembers it all to this day. Your kids will remember all of these things and you will take these precious memories into your retirement and these times will bring you and your wife quite a bit of joy. You have nothing to feel even remotely guilty about, you earned it and if you make 700,000 to 1 million next year, you will have earned that to. You are living proof that anything is possible if you are willing to work hard enough to obtain it, so enjoy it!!!

  3. Eric.. your videos are so whole hearted… this has truly inspired me… I am in a hard time for being a provider as head of my house hold but this pushes me towards hard goals that are achievable

  4. Dude! This was very inspiring and motivating! I just can imagine the amount of work you’ve done and so I must say; super well deserved! Wishing you and your family all the best for 2023 🎉 (that’s a weird mic, but it sounds awesome 😂) Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Love your content but you should think twice about making videos like this. Telling people how much you make down to the dime I think comes with more problems than solutions but you'll learn from that eventually. Cheers bro.

  6. Well done, sounds like you’re getting the work life balance right.
    Just starting my digital content journey, man it’s hard work. I’m creating digital products for Davinci Resolve, would you be interested in reviewing them ? There’s an affiliate program too

  7. Congratulations, brother. You deserve to feel the feels. The fact that you're so invested in your family's well being and happiness and being present in their lives is something this country needs more of. Yes, the financial part enables you that freedom, but the heart behind it is what counts.


  8. Absolutely amazing! Congratulations on another year of success doing what you love. The true dream. Seeing these numbers is definitely inspiring, so thank you for sharing! I hope to someday be able to take your course as I know its such a positive investment in myself and my business. Its been such a blessing to have already learned so much from you. Thank you <3

  9. Eric, once again thank you so much for making videos like this. You continuously inspire me to grow my business in different ways and showcase a little bit of what is possible to make as a creator. You’re the best!

  10. I'm 𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭 for this type of video. I'm in the category that finds this deeply inspirational & how I can utilize certain things for myself.

    I came across an article recently about "your magic number" — basically what you know/believe your income "sweet spot" is — & that earning more just WON'T be anymore fulfilling, so just aim for that & be more content with life(style). Much like you mentioned at the end of this video 🫶🏾

    For myself (no kids, yet), I know it's in the $80k-120k range. So that's my 2023-24 goal.

  11. Amazing! Thanks for sharing this info. The biggest obstacle for allowing myself to dive into photography full-time has been the uncertainty surrounding how it could benefit my family. I’m a military member who has developed a passion for this medium over time while being stationed overseas for awhile. I’m at a stage where I’d like to move on and this is undoubtedly the direction I’d like to go. Thanks for the transparency.

  12. Always loved these videos from you Eric. Truly appreciate your transparency on this part and it definitely fuels my motivation to keep moving although I made about 1% of your gross income last year haha. The sky is the limit and you do deserve it all with the years of hard work you've put in! Thank you Eric!


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