How Many Laws Did This Karen Break?! #law #education

How Many Laws Did This Karen Break?! Subscribe @LawByMike for more legal tips!

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#shorts #karen #karens #kyle #kyles #viralvideo #lawbymike #lawyer #law #attorneys #trending #viral #public #freakout #publicfreakout

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Hey, you might think that this info makes me your lawyer, but it doesn’t and I’m not. Sorry, but I AM NOT YOUR LAWYER unless we have an engagement agreement. I am just providing public information here, like a library does, and am not providing you with legal advice about your situation. So, it would be totally unreasonable for you to conclude we have an attorney-client relationship just because you’re viewing this information.


34 thoughts on “How Many Laws Did This Karen Break?! #law #education”

  1. I would just like to point this out real quick to people watching this!

    Please understand that the charges of assault and battery are different in every state. Some don't even have battery, but instead consider the first thrown scone to be harassment and the hit to be assault.

  2. I just dealt with a male karen a few weeks ago. He was a 3rd party delivery driver for my store, I went up front to give him the orders and a coworker said he just left to get something for his foot idk, he made me wait seventeen minutes and came from the grocery side of the store completely opposite from what he stated. Drivers have been doing this lately, staking up time(that makes our system look bad) to get paid more for 'waiting,' clearly he was doing that and wasting my time when we're super busy at that time. I can get very argumentative, especially since I did security with truck drivers for almost a decade it makes you not to take shite from people, and I will make you realize that you f'ed up.

    He 'apologized' but rolled his eyes when I told him he's late and wasting my time, so he knew. I had almost kicked him from the order and made sure he knew it, making him angry throwing out fake apologies. Eventually he said well isn't it your job to wait and send orders out, that's when I argued that I'm doing my job and he's not by shopping on the clock. Eventually I gave him the order and he demanded my name because I'm being snooty and how dare I talk to him like that. I said nope, he demanded my boss's name and I said you're not getting it. He started following me, stating that I'll take him to my boss since he thought that's where I was going. Told him fat chance and if he continues to follow me I will report him for harassment and that he'll never come back, maybe not have a job. I got to the back of the store, told him see ya and he threatened that he's going back there. The doors are swivel and I put my weight against it as he starts to push on it as hard as he could, I kept him on the other side and continued to argue with him. Each time a coworker came into his sight he would demand they give him the information as I told them not to. Two managers came behind me hearing the commotion and he yelled at them as I told them not to say anything. He stated that I didn't wanna give the information over because I don't wanna get in trouble, I said I didn't because even if I was in the wrong (the way he's acting woukd support my side since he's trying to use force and trying to 'intimidate' me) Management got ahold of loss prevention and he backed up, I stayed at the door and let my coworkers go through loudly saying it. Loss prevention showed up and talked with him, refusing to give him any information. He then said that if they don't take care of the problem he will come back.

    He lost his job.🤷‍♀️ I'd honestly hate to be his wife.

  3. Heres something a lot of people need to understand.

    Businesses are private property. If an employee tells you to leave you leave. No it doesn't matter whether or not you bought something or if you felt it was unreasonable.

    You can be asked to leave or trespassed for any reason because it's private property.

    File a complaint with the corporate office or customer service line afterwards. But at no point are you personally entitled to be in or around that business if they've asked you to leave.


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