How Lithuania Stunned the USA & World Cup Quarterfinal Predictions | URBONUS

URBONUS’ Donatas Urbonas, Rytis Vysniauskas & Augustas Suliauskas share their World Cup quarterfinal predictions and discuss a spectacular Lithuania victory over the USA.

The biggest victory behind Lithuania’s W over USA (0:00);
Disrespect toward Lithuania? (4:09);
Lithuania’s example of how to beat the USA (9:45);
Funny story behind arriving at a historical game (13:45);
Lithuania exposed the USA’s weaknesses? (18:09);
Canada was 1-2 shots away from missing the Olympics? (22:19);
Did Spain expose Canada’s weakness? (27:37);
How the “bad guy” turned into the hero for Canada (30:50);
Unmatched qualities that brought Latvia to the top (37:23);
Just another story that shows how unique Luigi Datome is (44:39);
Lithuania vs. Serbia prediction (50:50);
Italy vs. USA prediction (57:20);
Germany vs. Latvia prediction (1:00:43);
Slovenia vs. Canada prediction (1:03:45).

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28 thoughts on “How Lithuania Stunned the USA & World Cup Quarterfinal Predictions | URBONUS”

  1. LITHUANIA – SERBIA , INDEED IS THE FIBA CLASSIC ! But ,I'll put money on you guys tomorrow. The only thing I'm not sure about is whether it's more or less than 180 points? IF ANYONE HAVE ANY KIND OF SAGGESTIONS ??? Even if Serbia plays well, Pešić will beat himself in the end.He is way too old for this job.If I'm not mistaken,he is 74 years old.On the end,U will C tomorrow.Let the better team Win…I hope that referees will do their job for 3+,from 1 – 5,that will be enough for Fair – Play Game !

  2. congrats boys!!! Lithuania beating the usa was huge!!!! did canada a huge favour!!! we going to the finals now for sure. you guys are legends for this….. see you in a couple games…. sorry in advance.

  3. down 12 to start the fourth. 27-12 in the fourth against spain. has anyone ever even done that before? put a little respect on Canada boys. we will see you in the semis. good luck….

  4. refs will do everything to help luka he gets all the calls. its gross. won't matter tho. you guys have zero respect for canada. we will see boys. slovenia can't beat canada but the refs can….

  5. It was inevitable that Banchero would play against the Italians wasn't it. I think the Italians have a small chance to win if they can torch from the 3 point line, but the matchups are not great for Italy in this one.

  6. I know you guys are (rightfully so) excited because of a great victory of your national team, but you failed to mention the horrific fate of Borisha Shimunovic and that is a big deal

    for the upcoming game Lit-SRB but also a very sad event overall.

  7. And just to be clear, if europe was a commonwealth of similar structure to the usa, the European team would dominate the usa every single time. The vast majority of the players that excel in the nba, are europeans.

  8. Looks like Lithuania put too much emphasis on beating the US in a meaningless game, now they're out while USA is still cruising. Lol. Serves them right for the classless trolling after the game.

  9. 29:13 Handcheking was existing in 98, it was all good by 98 rules, every referee said that. MJ did it perfectly and he even didnt touched too much, on replay in slowmotion only looks like that. And Byron firstly slipped, than MJ just shove it away softly perfectly with his hand. Thats why its the best shot in history still!


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