how I made the Minecraft soundtrack in the style of American Football

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This video took almost a month to make. Who would’ve thought writing a script, shooting and editing a video is a hell of a lot of work for one average dude who has no idea what he’s doing. Here we are tho! We managed!
I hope this video clarifies most of the questions that you guys have been asking on the comments. I tried to tackle every single aspect that went on when creating the album so most people could get something out of it and use it on their creative process.

I have some other video ideas I want to make but you guys let me know if you’d like to see me ugly face more often. Cheers to all of you. Thank you so much for your support, I love you all.
I’ll see you soon.


INTRO 0:00
thank you alex 2:14
NO SWEDEN???? 3:10
Pre-production 3:55
Production 6:35
Guitar thingies 7:58
Musical analisis 10:05
Orchestration 13:00
Easter eggs 14:21
Mixing process 15:23
Mastering process 24:03
Final thoughts 25:05
SURPRISE !!!!! 28:03
Goodbye! 30:25


#minecraft #music #midwestemo #americanfootball #guitar #mixing #mixingmastering #mastering


33 thoughts on “how I made the Minecraft soundtrack in the style of American Football”

  1. Amigo, tenia unas ganas desde lo mas profundo de mi ser que sacaras un video de este palo, incluso si no me dabas la vibra de ser youtuber andy. Encontré el minewest emo cuando tenia como 500 views y dije "a ver este meme" y resulto ser un album completo, no solo un album completo si no una labor magistral de composición moderna con una mezcla justo como me gusta bien brillosa y abrasiva a los oídos que me tuvo pegado al monitor por 30 minutos flasheandola cada vez mas con las ideas y arreglos que metías en el proyecto, siendo yo un fan acérrimo del midwest emo y el LP1 me dejo el culo torcido te juro.

    Me encanto el video, informativo y entretenido bien como me gustan este estilo de videos de behind the scenes de algún proyecto, mas encima yo siendo un aspirante a musico el insight que brindas es mas que apreciado.

    También me asombro saber que sos mi vecino (soy uruguayo) latino y que de tu sola mano (sin desprestigiar a Alex por la idea y el concepto) saliera uno de los mejores trabajos en el genero que se ha producido en america del sur a mi criterio, adoro que haya al menos un grupo de gente talentosa en habla hispana que adora tanto el genero como yo y que saque banger tras banger. Tengo pendiente zambullirme de cabeza en el resto de tu trabajo y estoy seguro que no me vas a decepcionar por lo que ya he escuchado.

    Te deseo lo mejor y te felicito una vez mas por semejante trabajo que se nota fue un labor de esfuerzo, creatividad y pasión por la musica. Espero ver mas trabajos tuyos ya sean videos de este estilo o musica original o lo que mierda se te cante hacer con el talento que tenes, un abrazo y que el midwest te bendiga. lml

  2. Hey man you definitley coulda done those spanish subs 😂. Fr tho great job on the soundtrack. I enjoyed learning abt the way you did it too bc im an aspiring music artist myself so thisll help a little bit

  3. I admit I didn't listen to all of the songs on the video originally but I subscribed anyway. It's nice to get some insight as someone who want to start producing as a hobby 🙂

  4. Thanks for sharing the process, this was a really cool video! You could have done it in spanish with subtitles and I still would watch the whole thing.

    I'm gonna make you hate this language even more, and I hope this is taken contructively, but "Sustractivo" when you translate it into english becomes "Subtractive", with a B.

  5. Supreme W my guy. I adored seeing just how much thought that went into these covers, a lot of covers don't put in nearly as much thought in, and it shows in the quality. Yours sound considered and professional, and its a joy to listen to them. Huge congrats on getting a physical release too, as a photographer working on a photobook at the moment, I know how huge getting published is, even if its from some small distributor!!!

  6. you've done an incredible job!! the cover is one of my favourite things to listen to at this moment, thank you so much for uploading it here and on spotify as well!

  7. I never moved. Always lived in the same house. My room used to be small, filled with kid stuff that was accumulating with the years

    Recently, I switched room ! It may seem stupid, but it was the closest I ever felt like moving, as the room I got was much bigger, and so new

    I got my dad's old room, he's deceased now, so I got his piano, his stuff, and I finally got to start music, I bought electronic drums and started to learn !
    When I moved into this room, I started playing Minecraft again, bringing me back to nostalgia, realizing how much I had grown up

    Anddd, I found your minecraft midwest emo video. i played the game, and I was constantly listening to your songs (shoutout to Cat and Living Mice which are sooooo good)
    And now, wherever you want it or not, I know that in a few years, when I will listen to theses songs again, I'm going to be filled with nostalgia, recalling this weird feeling of getting into a new room, discovering new stuff, growing up, becoming an adult

    All that is to say, you maybe only worked on a fiverr comission, you maybe only recreated existing songs, but the style, the audacity, the energy, the talent and the passion you brought in were so much that it did really impact me, it hit me in a way that I loved so much to feel

    Your music is now part of my life

    I loved watching you talk about all of that

    Keep doing whatever you're doing, keep on creating and on playing music,

    Thank you for reading

    Love from france

  8. I didn’t even realize the album was on sale! And I just got to the part where you show the physical media! I’m a huge physical media fan, so I’ll be picking them both up. Thank you for the music, and thank you Alex for commissioning the project and for the awesome set list.


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