how I find energy to do what I love when I’m tired (+ a personal/home update)

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Video Information: “How I find energy to what I love when I’m tired” +plus a personal and house update!
In this video I wanted to chat about expectations related to “being productive” – how we shouldn’t shame ourselves for ‘not getting things done’ after a long work day or when we are going through challenging times. I also wanted to share some techniques that have helped me change my lifestyle a bit and pull away from habitual distractions in order to pursue some of my personal hobbies and passions. Maybe these ideas will help, and maybe they wont! We are each trying to figure things out in the midst of stress and burnout. It’s a personal journey, and I hope at least I can encourage you today and give you some peaceful moments.

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23 thoughts on “how I find energy to do what I love when I’m tired (+ a personal/home update)”

  1. At about 8:45 onwards I share a personal update, update on some renovations, reading update, and my own experience with severe burnout and fatigue last year working three jobs at the same time, and how I tried to keep finding ways to do things that bring me joy even though usually I was just too exhausted to do much after work. It was important to honor how I felt during that time, and I hope that everyone that is too tired to get much done sometimes can give themselves the rest and relaxation they need and not be hard on themselves❤ sending a big hug

  2. Some days are easy, some days you’re full of motivation and other days it’s a struggle to even make it through to sundown but it’s about knowing this is normal and brighter days will always come again🙂

  3. It’s almost a funny coincidence that you shared a quote from L. M. Montgomery, as I have been slowly making my way through her Anne of Green Gables series since the Covid pandemic took off in 2020. It’s been an immensely comforting series and has really helped me to slow down and, through inspiration from Anne’s character, find new ways to appreciate what’s around me. I’ve always loved nature and the mildly rural setting in which I grew up and live in, but sometimes you need a reminder to look at it with renewed appreciation. “It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” ❤️

  4. I just saw that you have over 1 million viewers now. Paola, that is so amazing!! Congrats!! Also, thanks for this video, another great one! I don't know how you kept up with your channel last year with three jobs and then getting sick. I didn't even realize how busy your life was last year. Continue taking great care of yourself and learning more self care techniques!! Ciao for now, beautiful Bella!

  5. Why you are doing something makes all the difference. I used to struggle with daily meditation because I was doing it because I thought I should. When i discovered my own why its no longer a struggle. I am also getting back to reading one of my passions as a child. Not sure why i stopped. Thank you ❤❤❤

  6. Paola… do you realize how many 'souls' you touch with your videos? You are a beautiful aspect of Spirit and we all thank you tremendously for sharing your wonderful journey of life with us. Thank you so deeply.

  7. Hello 👋🏿
    Some point last week, I was in a very low place and I came upon one of your videos, think the one you were in a red gown out in the flowers… can't really recall anything I deemed important from what you were saying…all I know is that, I immediately felt better after your video started playing. Within the days up to now, it comes to mind that I should say thank you. Something about energy through your video, whether from you or the music or the visuals, brought calm and peace to me. I am grateful. May your energy be replenished🙏🏿.


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