How I 100% Completed Monster Hunter World

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Guides used in this video
Thanks again to Brachragon, GamingwithAbyss and PowerPyx for their work!

00:00 – Intro
00:29 – Getting started
05:12 – Observation Questline
07:40 – Cleanup Duty
10:45 – Endemic Life Hunting
18:16 – Treasure Hunting
22:05 – The Grind That Shall Not Be Named

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47 thoughts on “How I 100% Completed Monster Hunter World”

  1. I feel the need to mention that you put "Confronting the Unknown" (First Variant) in the natural play section. In my opinion, it should be in the unmissable section, as you must defeat Shrieking Legiana to progress through the story.

  2. Eyyy good job

    I wasn’t good with the hunter, but for risebreak crown hunting i found using a mega barrel bomb as my reference point saved me a lot of trouble—the metal bands can act as a line that’s a lot more understandable than the hunter.

    Not that that helps you now

    Knowing that about the money glitch means maybe i can snag that cheeto after all!

  3. Started Replaying World with family earlier this year & we just reached the guiding lands.
    Anyways I found some molies in the wildspire area when it was only lvl 3 so the lvl 5 thing is bunk
    ( the molies also got away I just learned from here that they are rare 🙃)

  4. For the Guild Cards you can literally just hop between full Safi/Kulve/Alatreon/Fatalis sessions and send your guild card to everyone and hope they have auto-send turned on. I did this and I was getting 2-5 cards per session. Took me like 15 mins.

  5. Fun fact! I’ve found that the prism hercudrome almost always spawn on the quest “A Kestodon Kerfuffle”, so when I start a new game I always go and get it! Sadly, it is a key quest so no repeats

  6. All treasure is not a fun experience, completing it myself. Over 12-15 hours of just trading and finding all the treasures was a boring and slow experience plus as an added bonus the rewards are bad.

  7. Congrats on your 100% achivements !

    Pretty nice video that remembers me my own journey throught the 100% last year. BUT you forgot to mention that gold crown isn't just about looks, it's also about fights differences. It's way harder to hunt a brute tigrex that is a big gold crown than a regular one. Also a tiny gold crown yian Garuga isn't that easy to fight neither. And finally you did miss a huge part in the end that is really really important to mention. There is specific monsters to hunt that were way harder to find in gold crowns than others, because no investigation quest or harder size-looking/mesuring ones.

    Regular Deviljho because it is only available in expert mode and is a pretty huge monster so tiny and big crowns are harder to mesure. Also there is only quest with 1% on expert rank, and the only way I found to make it easier was to find it at a 3% chance of gold crown if it was on what we call "invading monsters", meaning you go for an investigation with 3 gold rewards but without the deviljho as a target (because it was really rare to find it as a target of those), and after you loaded the map, you go to mesure whether the Deviljho is in the area as a "invading monsters" is or not a gold crown.

    Then the worst of all monsters to find as gold crown, the most challenging, the 1% mini and 2% big crown, the mighty 'Scarred Yian Garuga', a version of the regular Yian Garuga that is stronger, and ultra rare to find throught investigation quest. So for me and many others, and you also probably, we had to go for the event quest in the forest, that is 1% to 2%, the lowest percent quest for those gold crowns. And I was really "lucky" because I managed to get both mini and big crown under 60 encounters, while it could or should have been the double.

    Aside of those 2 monsters, every other monsters could be found with at least 3% chance of mini gold crown and 6% chance of gold crown which is in fact huge, because when combined it makes nearly 10% chance to get your first gold crown on a monster hunt, which mean if you have no crown on it and if you're on an average luck, you will get one of the 2 crowns for a monster in around 10 encouters. No need to kill all those 10 tho, just kill the tinniest and the biggest you encounter.

    It could have been great to share the amounts of kills and hours you had to face for the hardest crown hunting you had to go for :
    For me the hardest one was to get the gold crowns of the Gold Rathian, which took me around 20-22hours of either hunt or just load reload map untill she was looking like a gold crown. And in fact, she was bugged, such as Silver Rathalos, because the tiniest looking one, wasn't the tiny gold crown. I had to hunt a slightly bigger one (visually), to get the tiny gold crown.
    Then my 2nd hardest crowns to get was Kirin, around 15hours farm.
    Then as 3rd the Scarred Yian Garuga, around 12hours.
    Then for all the rest of the monsters it was between 5-10hours.
    And the easiest crown I got, really lucky, was in my beggining where I started the crown hunting doing all 3 (Velkhana, Teostra, Lunastra) which were the hardest monsters to fight for me back then (except the Teostra which I found way easier than the other 2). And so I got both gold crown on the Lunastra just after slaying her 5 times exactly.

    That was the first time I did a crown hunting too in any monster hunter game and the hunt for the 100% achievement in a monster hunter game too. It was the 3rd games of MH I ever played, firsts ones were MHTri and MHTriU a long time ago.
    When I started my journey to look for the 100% I already had 59 achievements on the 100 there is, and I was around 207hours on the game. And it took me around 245hours more to get to the 100% achivement.

    Can't wait to try the challenge again in Monster Hunter Wilds next year in march if I feel like it ^^ But it's definitly a tough journey, and when you have a job next to that, it's hard to find the time to do those challenges. Good luck for your next achivements challenges, and may the 4th be with you !

  8. Hey congrats on joining the few conquerors, that currently 0.7% achievement is 1000% worth the grind huh. My final crown hunt was rajang and as an insect glaive main, it was agonizing lmao

  9. This takes me back to when I was going for 100% on my Guild Card over in Sunbreak just before Primordial Malzeno came out.
    Admittedly, most of my grind came from crown farming as expected with how time consuming it can be.
    As me and a friend would jump the monster, put it to sleep and then use barrel bombs as a form of measurement and abandon if the size results didn’t match what we were looking for. (Almost lost a Large Crown in the process from pure skepticism until we decided to kill it anyways.)
    But it’s definitely a VERY cool feeling scrolling through all your Guild Card Awards and seeing immense proof of something only very few are able to obtain!

    Congrats on the 100% World Run, Oceaniz!

  10. Ah yes 100%ing <3

    I feel you with crown grinding, I do, though you did miss one important bit of information. Investigations with at least 1 gold and 1 silver or 3 gold and 1 bronze as rewards / tempered investigations with 3 rewards or more also have increased crown odds! These investigations have a 6% mini 3% giant chance – which isn't great, but better than base odds at least. Additionally, tempered investigations with 4+ rewards have the same 6% mini 6% giant chance that 4 gold regular investigations do.

    I do have to say, crown hunting is an addiction I fell hard for when I was 100%ing world. Which is maybe a little insane considering there were a number of monsters I needed to kill more than 100 times to get the crowns (looking at especially YOU, 182 velkhanas between me getting my mini crown velkhana and finally getting my large crown velkhana. But to be fair I made it worse for myself by continuing to run my favorite non-fatalis set – which has -15 to ice oops) But it was only a handful of months and a few other 100%ed games after getting all my crowns that I found myself back in the game with the goal to get all of the endemic life crowns as well. I'm doing pretty well with it so far, honestly! Some of the rare endemics were a grind to get crowns for but with zoomaster, microzoologist, macrozoologist, and the knowledge that food buffs don't reset if you just cycle between expeditions I got quite a few of them pretty quick. It also helps that a number of the rare endemics spawn in multiple spots on multiple maps so it's easy to set up a cycle of expeditions and map out routes to each spawn for them once you've done a bit of research!

    I did get stuck on blue divas and forest pteryxs for quite a while, I had to catch around 85 of each before I finally got the crowns I needed for them. The pteryxs in particular felt like they were taunting me because I caught literally 9 minis before I caught the one large I needed. I can fill the entire groundspace of placeable pets in my room with mini forest pteryxs now – which is maybe more sad than it is an achievement but hey, I got there eventually! All I'm missing now are my sealords crestfish crowns (I cannot get the thing to spawn for me. I checked it literally every single time I checked for wintermoon, and in the time it took me to get both wintermoon crowns I've seen it A Single Time. I think it has some personal grudge against me at this point) and my region guiding lands molys, which also really isn't going too terribly considering you can also keep foodbuffs active by cycling between the GL and any other expedition. I do kinda wish I had combined it with my (large monster) crownhunting in hindsight though, because I swear I've seen a number of large monster crowns here between all my reloads of the region. I'm totally with you on GL feeling like it has increased odds btw, though I did almost no grinding there because I also couldn't find any stats on it online

  11. The reason you probably already had all the rare creatures is because collecting them unlocks certain ingredients in the Canteen.
    Well, at least the Downy Crake which unlocks the "Dragon Killer Sake". I swear I remember the others being important for something too.

  12. I actually spend so much time collecting stuff that the pictures and pets I had completed almost all of them, I just liked taking pictures and I'm obsessed with catching any creature I find, is sad tho I can't put them all in my room

  13. 17:43 What if it's worded badly or translated weird? What if ''every region'' is supposed to stand for the Guiding Lands, since it has biomes from (almost) every map (region) of the game.

  14. The grind that shall not be named took me so long cause of how many times i gave up on it.
    Also the lynian treasure hunting; the palico tends to sniff the treasure when you are nearby

  15. The way I did this was so infuriating. I don't have Internet at my home so I constantly had to turn off and on my mobile hotspot and of course you can't do event quests offline. Very annoying

  16. 3k hours and I'm still not 100% lol since I refused to do the survivor dumb quest.
    Maybe I'll do it once I completed it 1000% after getting all my guiding lands to all level 7 since I already crafted every weapons available in the game (arena included).

  17. Guiding Lands only works well if you grind to level 7 and oh my good lord you brute forced the crown collection????? I would have quit so fast holy. Imagine doing this crap on a hard drive like on last gen consoles. Actual torture with the insanely slow loading times.

  18. 8:48 Here is my opinion on the arena in monster hunter, Fuck the arena.
    Good day.

    22:36 1G* They were also apparently required to unlock the hosting privelidges for subspecies (though you still had a chance of encountering the subspecies when you hunted, for example quests say Rathian and not Pink Rathian, etc).

    Sns players do not appreciate the monster size increasing.

    24:40 This is even more annoying due to the vaal hazzak and the deviljho not being in the g rank as they wished to not have mr deviljho and mr savage deviljho (didn't stop them with azure….)

    30:20 With most Elder Dragons you can follow them without a Ghuille mantle as they are not hostile, they think we're insignificant compared to them.

  19. 15:43 for the jellyfish, if he not there. Just wait patiently for the next night cycle (50mins) to see if he appears the next night. Take roughly 5hour to get the baster, but it better then running up the mountain to get nothing in return and repeating it
    17:50 it a misleading description, im pretty sure bad translation

  20. i guess everybody defines 100%ing a game differently
    i made it a goal myself to have:
    every achievement
    guild card maxed out (having 99999 points and also 999 quests on everything – arena, optional quests, etc)
    having EVERY weapon on masterrank (yes even safi and kulve ones in every variation)
    having all armor on low rank, high rank and master rank
    haveing all layered armor as well
    having all talismans
    having all pendants
    having every palico gear in every poasible option
    being master rank 999 and hunter rank 999
    having every "pure" decoration (attack+ 4, expert+ 4, etc) at least as many times as the ability has points (for example attack boost has 7 points to ne maxed, therefore at least 7 attack+ 4 decorations)
    having all poogie outfits
    having every photography on gold
    having all gold crowns for smallest and biggest (yes comes with all achievements)

    i think there are a few more but since i love this game to pieces, this is my interpretation of having a game on 100%

  21. On concert event quests, is there a possibility of having multiple gold crown monsters in a single event? Or should I return from quest immediately after getting a presumed gold crown?

  22. I swear my friend and i have been crown hunting a good while and we are just getting unlucky with some of these. We need large kushala, both sizes of base vaal hazak, large namielle (i think my friend needs both actually, i just need 1], a silver rathalos, large yiang garuga (both forms), and my friend needs large lunastra


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