How halal products affect the economy | DW Documentary

The term β€œhalal” doesn’t just refer to foods that conform to Muslim law. The word stands for an entire philosophy, and halal …


45 thoughts on “How halal products affect the economy | DW Documentary”

  1. I found an Ulama'w opinion in Indonesia. They said that animal that is slaugthered with anasthesia can be halal. IF the anasthesia method doesn't harm or cause pain to the animal and they are still alive when slaugthered (Like us when we get anasthesia during surgery). So, IF the animal is are not slaugthered in the throat after get stung or suffocated by CO2, I think that Muslim way of slaughtering is more humane than the soulghtering methods that are metioned in video. Why? By slaughtering in the throat, we get 100% killing rate. We don't leave the any animal in the state between life and death.

  2. I like how west can find fault at anything they doesn't like. πŸ˜‚.
    We hindus also have some rules which most of us follows. And I think anyone has a right to follow what they WANT to follow.

  3. at 14:44 he says Holy Quran says Muslims are allowed to eat non halal meat when they are living in a non muslim country!!! so that means you can eat pork when youre in a non muslim country? i mean these kinda muslims are just shameless who doesnt even have the basic knowledge of islam

  4. use better models, using nail polish or wearing makeup during prayer doesn't make sense… Wudu(cleansing before prayer) will not be acceptable if water doesn't clean those parts. therefore, the prayer will not be acceptable

  5. I hate halal, and in Harrow if you want to eat out it is so difficult to avoid. What makes me even more angry is even bread being marked as halal. I would rather die than buy anything marked halal

  6. This is problematic situation ,but it is more dangerous that a lot of global corporations are serving the demands. Halal economy is made to give jobs to Muslims and to kick out non Muslims as majority of halal things require to be made and served by Muslims only and Muslim bodies are there to certify these things. This means if you are a non-muslim buying halal things you are indirectly supporting Islamist organisations and paying taxes to them for something that you don't want.

  7. Its a fact, I'm Arab, Halal products are expensive compared to Haram products, I'm not able anymore to afford these kind of products, hopefully God will punish them those criminals

  8. Don't mix politics with religion this video is about money and politics in reality. If a Muslim is going to buy something Halal he or she does not have to prove it is really Halal and investigating it. That sin would go to the Muslim who would be selling haram food with Halal labels on them if he did so intentionally . Islam is an easy and fair religion to follow but sometimes people who think they are qualified to talk about it do an injustice to it and confuse Muslims .

  9. That man is no Muslim he is a mercenary, first he says meat isn't haram is non Islamic countries, and then says Islam does not prohibit interest because it wasn't being used back then. What a fool, he is paid to say these things, I'm far from a knowledgeable in Islamic studies but this is basic level information you don't even need to look hard to find the answers

  10. 33:22 western media machine at it again lol, look how they showed 3 men wearing khamis and others praying possibly a Friday prayer when most men choose to wear khamis. KHAMIS IS NOT OBLIGATED ON MEN BUT COVERING IS OBLIGATED ON WOMEN by Allah.


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