How government infighting led to a refugee crisis in Toronto – #podcast

Dozens of asylum seekers have been sleeping on the streets of Downtown Toronto for weeks as a political stand-off between governments took place. While governments have been arguing over jurisdictional responsibility, community groups have stepped in.

Toronto’s Revivaltime Tabernacle Church in North York has opened up its doors to over 230 asylum seekers, with volunteers donating their time and resources. We speak to Dustin Cook, The Globe’s Toronto municipal affairs reporter, about what he found out when he visited the church.

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30 thoughts on “How government infighting led to a refugee crisis in Toronto – #podcast”

  1. Im tired of this hearing how illigals are sleeping on the street guess what real canadians are loosing their homes because of this traitor we have as a prime minister stop given any grant to these people. I dont care if their starving and sleeping on the street while canadians are having troubles.

  2. Bring in millions of the people other countries are trying to get rid of – without any increase in infrastructure or spreading them out to mitigate the harmful effects in the unique Canadian culture – yeah – what could go wrong? ….. and it will continue as long as we allow the insane lieberals to buy votes with our money.


  4. How they got in, and which entrance they entered Canada? You know, if you force other to take care of you before they decide and ready for that, the results would not go your way. Worse if that is a huge number for them to deal with.

  5. They. Do. Not. Belong. Here.

    We don't have affordable housing for the people already here, whether they be Canadian citizen, immigrant or refugee. Bringing more in will just create a catastrophe. Which is the government's objective since they are all demons.

  6. Greetings fellow Canadians. I have a story for you all about how loving our government is and how well it takes care of suicidal, sick people.
    In the summer of 2013 I was in the hospital for a certain issue and told a nurse that I was going to jump off of a bridge and kill myself. Because I told a nurse while I was already admitted to the hospital they were obligated to hold me in a psychiatric unit against my will for 72 hours.
    When I voiced my plan to kill myself, the nurse informed me that they were calling the police to have an officer escort me to the E.R., to speak to a crisis worker and then a psychiatrist and be admitted to the psychiatric unit for 72 hours.
    The police officer came and we went to the E.R. and were waiting in a room to speak to a crisis worker. This medical doctor comes in with my file in his hands and a look of disgust on his face. Because I came from detox, this doctor who was never supposed to ever set foot in my room says to me, "You're not going to jump off of that bridge are you buddy"? I replied with, "I don't know….no.."
    Meanwhile the police officer is sitting next to me eyeballing the doctor while the doctor says to me, "well get out of here then", and makes me leave. Well the police officer looked like he was going to punch the doctor. I left the hospital and I did exactly what I said to the nurse that I was going to do and jumped off of the exit 8 overpass in Sydney and smashed the pavement below with my top half hitting first.
    As a result of the sudden stop at the end of my fall, I broke both hands completely off of both arms, my right hip completely off of the right leg, I broke my face in multiple places and had internal bleeding of the brain. Not only this, but I died 3 times. They had to bring me back to life 3 times and they didn't think I was going to make it.
    So I survived the fall and spent over 2 months in the hospital recovering, not able to feed myself or get out of bed to use the bathroom for 3 weeks. The hospital begged my mother not to go to the news with the story of what happened to me, and she listened to them stupidly. The doctor that sent me to die never even bothered to apologize to me.
    This doctor was NEVER supposed to set foot in my waiting room for crisis. The hospital broke protocol and they killed me 3 times. I have metal plates holding both hands to both arms and I have a complete right hip replacement. I have severe arthritis now and am in pain all the time.
    The worst part about it all is that nobody would tell me the name of the doctor who sent me to die so that I couldn't sue him. Everybody protected that son of a bitch and left me hanging to dry. I now am unable to work and collect a disability check through DCS. I make less than 13000 a year on this check.
    Nobody was ever held accountable for what happened to me, and my life is now ruined. I am unable to work a normal job so I am stuck as a poor man with no opportunity to escape below poverty income for the rest of my life.
    The government owes me a better life than this. I tried to sue but the statute of limitations states you only have 2 years to take action so I can do nothing. The government ruined my life and makes me live as a poor slug in the slums of Sydney,
    Thank you so much Canadian government for the life you have given me. I truly appreciate it. My name is Randy Ward.

  7. A solution to this problem is feel free to send the homeless and refugees to literally anywhere else in Canada other than Toronto or Montreal.

    Alberta is always playing ads on the radio to come live and work out there. New Brunswick is looking to increase their population from 800,000. Feel free to locate them to Winnipeg. If it’s too cold too F***ing bad! People definitely need somewhere to live. They just don’t need to live in Toronto or Montreal.

  8. Should not let asylum-seekers come over here when we need visas to go over to other countries they shouldn’t be allowed to just come here in the Canada. However, they feel hope your own Canadians first.

  9. I know two immigrants that feel the Fed Gov mislead them. One told his family not to come to Canada as they were better off in their own country. The other said she felt mislead because she believed it was going to all good, full of opportunities with good paying jobs etc.. She had no idea about the housing/Doctors crisis, the amount of taxes, the amount of Gov corruption and now censorship.
    She is thinking of going back to her country of birth.

  10. Pastor Judith is clearly out of touch with reality. That she literally said that people who arrive illegally escaping, GENDER/SEXUALITY persecution, not a genocide or anything, should be welcomed here with open arms… sure, if Judith would like to personally support them, okay. The gall to put the financial responsibility on a broken system and country. Sure, that makes sense.
    These refugees are in need and yes, they're probably good people, that doesn't mean resources will magically appear. This is insane.

  11. Refugees are different from international students and regular immigrants. International students pay much higher tuitions that they past required exams and are evaluated have financial sufficient to support their living. And students also are educated having skills and willing to work. Regular immigrants are prepared to come with their assets, education and skills, and are looking for jobs after arriving, plus they have enough money to support themselves and families until they settle down and found jobs. Both international students and regular immigrants won't take Canadian tax payers money. Refugees are different, and this is why US, especially New York city, keep shipping refugees to Canada. Refugees are caused by US, Canada should ship them back to US. Canadian are nicest people in the world, but Canadian have no enough money to support more and more refugees. Refugees should go back to US.


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