How does it matter? #HealingHeart #EmpathyVerse #BrokenButStrong #PoetryCommunity #shorts #short

#Poetry #EmotionalWellness #EmpathyInAction #MentalHealthSupport #WordsOfComfort #PositiveVibes #ShareTheLove #StrengthThroughStruggles #SupportiveCommunity #LifeReflections

I have been broken

I have been shattered

I know that feeling 

But how does it matter?

Can I be with someone

To heal his heart?

Can I hear all his pains

And take them apart

I usually handle fragile items with utilmate care, well that’s also an art

But can I do that for someone with a broken heart? 

Alright, alright, even if I can’t

Let me give it a start

Even if I fail badly

At least my heart will definitely listen to his heart


It will listen him through

It will make him feel included

And this is something I can do

I have been broken

I have been shattered

I know that feeling 

But how does it matter?

Can I be with someone 

To fix some of his broken pieces

Can I try to understand

What he exactly wishes

Can I attend to all his door knocks

Can I pick up all his phone calls

Alright, Alright even if I can’t

At least I can answer some

And if I can’t talk for the full length

I can assure him that I will get back

Once I am done

I have been broken

I have been shattered

I know that feeling 

But how does it matter?

Can I be with a hopeless

And give him some hope

The one that binds the body and the soul together

Can I be that rope

Can I be considerate of his feeling

Can I make his experience really fulfilling

Alright, alright even if I can’t

Doesn’t hurt to plant

The very thought of it makes me happy 

And just in case, you happen to be in the same position as me 

Let us all chant

I have been broken

I have been shattered

I know that feeling 

But how does it matter?

If something has made me feel bad

I am gonna make sure that the same thing doesn’t happen to others, at least through me

I have been caged many times by my own sufferings

And I know in my heart, this will set me free

I have been broken

I have been shattered

I know that feeling 

But how does it matter?

Love, prayers and peace ❤️🙏🕊️


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