How Did They Build This MASSIVE Castle 700 Years Ago?

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21 thoughts on “How Did They Build This MASSIVE Castle 700 Years Ago?”

  1. One of the most nutrient rich plant fertilizers ever, Bat feces commonly know as "Guano". Just happens to also be the breeding ground for ancient deadly ELE types of viruses… Don't need to be a metallurgist to see the Irony in that…

  2. If you believe that you people would believe that humans could move 330 tons of anything!!!! And if you do, I have
    A bridge to sale you!!! No but really I have dealt with weight most of my life as a trucker and construction worker!!! And I can tell you right now !! That we have no way, we'll we could do it but it would cost so much to do it that it would not make since to do it !! And that is to pick it up!!! And what it would take to move it would be
    So much it would not be visible!!! So there is no way on this earth they did it with logs and ropes or anything like that!!! We have no idea how they did anything and may never no !!! Just say'n!!!😅😢😊❤

  3. Bhutan and Sikkim were more important than Rome. For while the Roman Empire, then the Catholic Empire were conquering people and destroying lives, Bhutan was preserving and propagating the teachings of Buddha. There are lots of programs about how great Western Art was….nothing about how great Western ideas are, because they aren’t that great.

  4. Impossible places to reach ??? If so how can you explain anything about the impossible to reach places??? If it's impossible to reach, you wouldn't have anything to back up what you say about it, because of the impossibility! Y'all have a pompas mind to think you know anything about it, if you can't reach it , you're an idiot to go and try to explain it !!! Jackass's !!! My opinion like it or not !!!


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