How Did These Guys Get In?


18 thoughts on “How Did These Guys Get In?”

  1. Rats! Some people it's snakes, but with me it's rats. Those things can disable an RV over night and leave you stranded. I know a guy who left his van parked on someone's property and never paid attention to all of the holes in the ground where he parked it. When he went back for it the rats had trashed it. It cost him over $4,000 to get all the wiring and hoses fixed. I 'have had a rat or a mouse in my RV every year except the past year. I took pictures of them so I know the last time was August 3rd, 2022. I've been lucky for nearly a year and a half!

  2. Hate to say this but there's a good chance there's more than I pest. And any hole they can get their head in they're inside. I know of another Nomad who fought mice for three days and nights before he finally ousted it. It may be cute but they are potential carriers of disease. Better get more traps.


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