How Did Skar King Enslave Kongs? Origins and Theories Explained

The primary antagonist in the forthcoming film “Godzilla vs. Kong: The New Empire” is none other than the Red Kong, known as The Skar King. However, will he be the sole antagonist of the show? Furthermore, what were the factors that led him to this particular condition or state? By what means did he attain such a notable position within the hollow earth? In this video, we will analyse the synopsis and trailer to extract information about the character’s likely origins, physical dimensions, and design. Additionally, we will discuss the methods employed to subjugate the kongs residing in the hollow earth.


41 thoughts on “How Did Skar King Enslave Kongs? Origins and Theories Explained”

  1. My theory is the red Kong is a dangerous mutation who overthrown Kongs parents and is hunting baby kong because he will be a threat one day. This leads to baby kong fleeing to skull Island and encounter with kong who try to protect him but lose to red kong giving him reason to try save baby kong and free his species

  2. My theory is that there may have been different subspecies and tribes of Kongs that lived and fought one another for dominance over territory and resources within the hollow earth. Until only one tribe remained, and from that tribe the Scar King was born. Kong's ancestors might have been forced to flee from the conflict and ended up on skull island.

  3. Hope the show everything about scar king in the next Trailers and keep shimu still hidden. Because shimu is much more interesting than scar King who i dont care realy for. Hope Godzilla beats that red ass ape even more brutal than he did with kong in the previous movie.😁 Scar King is already sooooo damn overhyped that it becomes annoying. 😅

  4. It's good to see Godzilla 🦖 🦖 🦖 always evolving each and every movie to upgrade to get more and more powerful!!!hope that Kong is able to upgrade too with some powerful weapons and or gain some kind of superpowers being in the hollow Earth so he could upgrade and evolve into King Kong 🦍 🦍 🦍 💯💯💯

  5. Honestly it makes sense because u really have to tell how skarking come to existence that's how a true story is about for skarking to just show up would be confusing to the people I like how u think bro

  6. My theory is that it could have something to do with Ghidorah. Maybe some time after he crashed down or whatever, Skar King used his arrival to either rally the Kongs against the Godzillas for his own selfish reasons, or genuinely thought Ghidorah was the Godzillas fault, led the fight against them, and eventually became a power hungry dictator over the kongs, with the Skull Island ones being renegades trying to escape his rule.

    A similar theory I have could he that Shimu and Skar King both went into hiding when Ghidorah arrived with Godzilla being the only one brave enough to stand in his way. And when Mecha Godzilla was destroyed, they sensed Ghidorah's presence was gone and decided to rise up to take over whether they be working together or acting alone.

  7. my guess is the kid ape is skar king's child. skar king may have try to look for him in the surface world which inadvertently cause battle between him and human,
    maybe some people capture the kid ape or smth.

  8. Scar king will beat King Kong in the first fight then kong will get Godzilla to help him in the second fight but scar king will beat both of them and then Godzilla will have to upgrade then they fight him for the last time and destroy him but it also will be extreamly hard to defeat him and if there’s another titan they have to fight that teams up with scar king then that will be devistating but that’s my theory all and all I’m excited for it to come in theatres and it will bloody with action humour and excellent fight scenes but it will be a badass film


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