How Did Each Primarch Earn Their Nicknames? | Warhammer 40k Lore


Each Primarch has a number of nicknames and titles, but how did they earn them?

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28 thoughts on “How Did Each Primarch Earn Their Nicknames? | Warhammer 40k Lore”

  1. In regards to Chaos never attempting to corrupt Dorn… well, that’s no longer true. He almost fell to Khorne, it turns out, during some warp fuckery when he was teleporting to The Vengeful Spirit

  2. Aurelion/Aurelian as a nickname for Lorgar might be in reference to one of the best Roman Emperor who himself held the title of ‘Restorer of the World’ after reinforcing all the borders of Rome at the time. And possibly because he may have also fashioned himself to be a God, or at the very least mandated Sol to be the main deity of the Roman pantheon at the time.

  3. "chocolate destroyer" is the most beautiful name i've ever heard to define someone as sweet and murderous as Vulcan!
    Although i'm partial to "canned beans" cause you know…he's armored, he's brown, he's delicious and he can destroy your butthole.

  4. "the final configuration" because in the 40th millenium there is only alpharius. everyone's only fighting because they're not aware everyone else is also alpharius and thus the game continues.

  5. Are there any examples of the Primarchs having adoptive mothers? In addition to the Emperor being a better dad, it feels like a lot of the problems in 40k could've been prevented if the Primarchs had some feminine influences in their lives

  6. To those wondering another nickname corvus has is "Choser of the slain." This is a mix between his roots in myth and the fact corvus often killed if it was nesecary

  7. I could be wrong, but I think 'warhawk' could have to do with the death of his father. I remember he was killed after talking about unification of the nomads and Jagatai responded by unifying them by force, even splitting his troops apart from their tribes in order to force them to resolve fueds or get left behind. In short, peace was never an option.

  8. Now i feel kinda sorry for Magny…
    – I'm the most powerful sorcerer!
    – Your skin is red.
    – I seek knowledge no matter the cost!
    – Bruh, you're red!
    – Uch…i…i rebuilt cities on my planet? I mean…just look how splendid Tizca is…
    – Reeddddd. Och, also you have one eye.

  9. i Read the Jaghati primarch novel and his storm caller gave a solid reason for his nickname. it was because like a warhawk, he could perceive his foe from a great distance, and strike them with the speed of lightining, and the wrath of a storm.

  10. My nicknames (not all original) for my favorite primarchs

    Corvus: The edge lord
    Conrad: The flayer
    Guilliman: girly-man
    Magnus: red cock
    Doorn: Golden boy
    Lion: The vietnam veteran
    Perturabo: perty
    Mortarion: morty
    Angron : walking abortion
    Fulgrim : grand rapist



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