how did anybody think anything in *TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 2* was okay? (First Time Watching)

if you are a fan of this movie, i would not recommend watching this video as I quickly devolve into just nitpicking the absolute hell out the movie because i can’t bring myself to care anymore

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#Twilight #BreakingDawnPart2


39 thoughts on “how did anybody think anything in *TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 2* was okay? (First Time Watching)”

  1. I have an image of you hiding under your desk as you wish the movie was over. I'm so sorry you were tortured, but it was hilarious. It's a good question to ask people you are meeting for the first time, "So, do you like Twilight?" Def grooming. Yuck.

  2. Most of your constant rambling questions could have been answered if you had listened to the dialogue. I didn’t misunderstand imprinting because it was clearly explained in previous scenes. He was present with Bella because he is now her protector for life.
    I enjoyed the whole saga of films but never read the books.

  3. Man I’m not gonna lie. I know this movie is terribly done as far as CGI but I could barley watch your reaction this time. I’m all for the πŸ’© talking and I’m truly a fan of your work. We’re all entitled to our opinion but I feel like you missed alot of what was said. But that’s my fault I should have listened to your announcement about how much you truly despised it. Cant wait for another reaction still.

  4. I was a bigger fan of the books than I was of the movies and I will admit that at first, I didn't see the imprinting thing as creepy at first. then when I got older and revisited the movies, I realized how creepy and wrong it was. as a fan of the Twilight series (books and movies) I really enjoyed your reactions. you're hilarious and are right to be creeped out by the Renesmee CGI; everyone is. it was a horrible mistake and pretty much everyone agrees. thanks for suffering through the saga for us ❀️

  5. From what I've seen in the behind the scenes, they wanted to make the baby look exactly like Mackenzie Foy. They were originally going to go with an animatronic, but it was creepier. They got a real baby and put Mackenzie's face on the baby. The wolf that "died" was Seth. Apparently, the battle scene didn't happen in the book. They put that in there because the ending to the book was deemed "too boring".

  6. Now that you’ve finished the series, you HAVE to react to the vids of Robert Pattinson completely roasting everything about Twilight. It’s hilarious. Search up β€œRobert Pattinson Hates Twilight” and watch all of them. Poor dude was in pain the whole time, and was trying to get fired. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  7. these movies had a lot of great potential, with a bunch of really interesting characters, and I really think if they had given Stephanie Meyer WAY LESS control of these movies, they could’ve been 100x better. they’re too in line with the books, while somehow simultaneously leaving out very important things from the books that could have improved the movies

    edit: yes, Jacob is a pedophile. & no, there’s no excuse for the CGI baby, child, and adult, lmao

  8. you have the attention span of a child bruh this reaction was not it and it didn’t have to be if you stopped talking and just listened. cause the movie is not bad, you just wanted something to hate

  9. He was right the first time. Jacob isn't "in love" with the baby. He's very connected with her and will always be there for her in whatever capacity she needs – as a childminder, as a friend, as a brother, etc.

    What scene is he on about that changed how he saw it? I just watched the whole reaction and I don't get it. He very obviously says to Bella that, "It's not what you think. You think Edward would let me live if it was?"

    Yet somehow he saw something that completely changed his first, correct impression. I don't get it. The constant outbursts were really unnecessary and distracting.

  10. I LOVE that you had no prior knowledge of these movies because your baffled and intense reactions were hilarious πŸ˜† thank you for sitting through these

  11. I agree with you that it feels like a satire. I know I'm not the target audience for this movie, but to me, this movie uses so many female tropes that it almost feels like someone tried to make a parody. "Children grow up so fast", "My baby already has a boyfriend", "Let's just have an imaginary fight and saddle our differences by sharing our thoughts"…! Are they trying to make women look dumb?
    The book is even worse. In the movie, we at least saw the battle that didn't happen. In the book, they just talk it over.

  12. I have been a fan of your reactions up until this movie, but your immaturity really showed here. On the bright side, we could make a drinking game out of the sheer number of times you said "CG baby" like really dude.

  13. It’s incredibly sad that your generation was taught to hate confederate soldiers, I’ll never understand that. They must really be lying to you a lot in schools or something.

  14. You have to understand that the Breaking dawn book is divided into 3 separate sections. 1 is Bellas POV, 2 is Jacob s POV and 3 is Bella s POV. The wolf telepathy talk in human language is on the 2 section. They where doing that all the time, but that was the first time we were able to see it.

  15. Just imagine how mad you would have been if there was no fight scene at all…because in the book there was ZERO fight scene. Alice showed Aro her vision, which we never see and is never described at all, then Aro is like "piece out", and then the book basically ends. So as someone who read the books and saw the movies, the fight scene (even though it was "fake") was way more preferable than nothing at all. It also shocked the shit out of everyone in the theatre since no one saw it coming.

  16. Extremely harsh for little things. Like we get it, it’s bad CGI. watch the rest of the movie. They literally explained what imprinting is in New Moon. It’s not in a creepy way at all

  17. I find it hard you might comeback to this comment after all of these months however i just got to watching you and my mind does not let me go on past your need to know the imprinting and i find it very sad that so many fans on all reactors of these movies do not actually remember and explain imprinting.
    Will not, however, not say that the imptinting is reaaaallllyyyyy crepy because at the end of the day well its ify, but here is the imprinting.
    there is somethings explained about imprinting and in between the lines understood in several different sections of the books, basically the wolfs are not warewolfs but rather shapeshifters and the magic blood in the tribe decided on wolf to protect their people (this explained in the tribe bonfire in the books). It is also explained that the first chief shapeshifter lived longer than a normal human and had several descendants, i believe he outlived 4 wifes with whom he had descendants shapeshifters in each one of the wives he imprinted.
    Now, another tidbit is explained for Leah in the books it is said that she wants to imprint on someone to get over sam, however she is not able to because imprinting is based on the bloodline, basically imprinting is so that the shapeshifter blood continues, basically the blood chooses the mate of the wolf based on the woman who would be able to bear baby shapeshifters other wise the bloodline is dead, so since leah being the woman she is the one that already has blood to bear babys but her blood cant choose a man compatible for that, it is even understood that she may never be able to have babies.
    So jacob and renesme, yes it is weird but yes Jacob at least cant help it, basically his blood knows that reneesmes blood is compatible to bear shapshifter babies and continue with the descendants especially him since he is direct descendant of the original chief. Now what i mean by jacob cant help it is because he cant look somewhere else he cant stop it, only reneesme can, that is why it says "be anything she needs" at the end of the day she can choose not to see jacob that way and she can choose not to have the babies (not to say that if she spends so much time with jacob she would not have stockholm syndrom or that her entire being would not call her to it) but at the end of the day she has the power over him.
    And just to top it all off, franckly i saw this as a cop out for the writer Stephanie Meyer, if you think about it a shapeshifter and a half human half vimpire would bring out more stories, so she was thinking money if she ever needed it she could continue with those 2 characters.


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