How could a war between China and Taiwan play out? | Four Corners

Tensions over Taiwan are the highest they’ve been in nearly three decades.

China has warned it will take Taiwan by force if necessary, while US military strategists are now mapping out war games to predict the impacts of a conflict.

They forecast it could become a brutal regional war, with casualties and carnage on a scale not seen since WWII.

It’s increasingly becoming a question of when – not if – China will launch an assault. Experts say it could be as early as 2025.

And Australia would play a key role in the conflict as it spills across the Pacific.

The investigation reveals how the US has been quietly building up its military assets in northern Australia, including plans to deploy nuclear capable B-52 bombers south of Darwin.

There are now fears that relationship could pull Australia deeper into any future conflict.


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29 thoughts on “How could a war between China and Taiwan play out? | Four Corners”

  1. there will not be a war between China and Taiwan it will just be a lightning strike from China it will put the Taiwanese leadership to sleep and within minutes China will be in Taipei America will not have the time to react it it does it will put American interest in the region at risk it will put Japan at risk it will put American cities at risk.

  2. I'm not sure if I get it.

    Australia is threatened by China because we threaten China. Hence to make ourselves safer, we need to threaten China more. Is it all this program says?

    We call ourselves 'peace loving'? Pathetic.

  3. Democracies must defend democracies, to cower to threats from unstable authoritarian kleptocracies and allow them to enslave more people is morally and ethically criminal. The rule of law is non-negotiable.

  4. No one wins in war.. just lots of young people being sent out to kill each other.. my son wants to join the ADF but seeing that ww3 could ramp up in a few years is a bit close to home

  5. Quote from Australia's DFAT – Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade and is current – “Australia’s Joint Communiqué with the PRC recognised the Government of the PRC as China’s sole legal government, and acknowledged the position of the PRC that Taiwan was a province of the PRC. The terms of our Joint Communiqué dictate the fundamental basis of Australia’s one China policy – the Australian Government does not recognise the ROC as a sovereign state and does not regard the authorities in Taiwan as having the status of a national government.”

  6. Let the Chinese finish their civil war. American mothers shouldn't sacrifice their sons and daughters for the 1%. Why not take care of your own people first. Has anyone notice the number of tents going up in America? America is going to hell and Uncle Sam doesn't give a crap.

  7. Where is she to talk heresay. She's guessing. China will Loose face. Watch.this black general should be quiet talking too much. . why is biden selling 800 million barrels of American oil to China daily . wow world war 3.

  8. Personally I dont believe we should get involved with Taiwan and china. , I mean taiwan has always been a part of china. I think it would be a mistake. A deadly terrible and sad mistake. Although I dont understand why all of a sudden everyone across the globe is starting shit. Why putin wants ukraine all of a sudden, why china wants Taiwan all of a sudden, why Iran wants to attack Saudis arabia? It's like someone said, ok its showtime, and action !


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