How Best to Field an Allied Knight? Strongest Imperial Freeblades and Chaos Dreadblade Knights?

Let’s talk about how best to add an allied super heavy war machine to your army!

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0:00 Intro
0:45 Allying Knights
3:21 Which Rules you Get
6:25 Imperial Options
10:24 Imperial Builds
13:01 Chaos Options
17:29 Chaos Builds


24 thoughts on “How Best to Field an Allied Knight? Strongest Imperial Freeblades and Chaos Dreadblade Knights?”

    – I THINK three armigers / war dogs in a Super Heavy Auxiliary can still get the Household Traits etc. Knights have a rule that means three knights can still get detachment rules in SHAs. Doesn't help single titanic allied knights, but could allow things like Taranis feel no pain for Imperials or Vextrix re-rolls for daemonbreath spears for chaos folks. This would lose them 'Agents of the Imperium' though, so would break army wide special rules if you go for it!
    – I should probably have focused on Admech as a special case – they can bring a Questor Mechanicus detachment along without breaking Canticles/Doctrinas due to the Knight of the Cog rule.
    – Metalica Admech can ALSO get House Raven Knights to have Canticles of the Omnissiah with the Knight of the Iron Cog stratagem. Again, they don't break canticles/doctrinas (even if you take a full super heavy detachment) and can get some seriously nice extra buffs e.g. Light Cover or re-rolls.

  2. Rampager with beguiling majesty and exploding 6's bond would be my pick. As Slaanesh they can get extra attacks and reap and rend strat gives them a load more attacks at the cost of no rerolls. Fire him off and wreck things.

  3. I have used a Knight Castellan to help with the lack of ranged fire power in the DG before. It certainly is fun to use but I don’t think I would be taking it if I was trying to put together the most competitive list I could.

  4. Oddly enough taking 3 stalkers with daemonbreath spears in death guard is a great choice. Make one of them have aura of corruption and once he’s favored, his -1 toughness aura stacks with contagions 😂😂

  5. Hello , im pretty new to WH40K , and so far ive been playing Chaos Space Marines but on the side collecting all models related to Chaos Knights cause they looked cool , and lately i wanted to get into Chaos Knight army and playing. But im not so fond of any Household and i was wondering , is it possible to have an entire detachment/army full of dreadblades? For example , i currently have a list that included Tyrant/Rampager/Desecrator/Abominant and 2 War Dog Stalkers. I was wondering , could every unit in this list be a dreadblade? with every single one having a unique fell bond assigned to it? Basically on the same idea as a Freeblade Detachment that Imperial Knights have? or im i just wrong in the way of thinking? Any help would be appreciated 🙂

  6. So I did some more digging and if I wanted to attach a knight to a custodes army as I read it the custodes don’t lose marital ka’tah because knights classify as “agents of the imperium” and are excluded from martial ka’tahs every unit rule. Am I reading this right or am I missing something

  7. This was extremely informative. I'm brand new at Warhammer and can't decide between Adeptus Mechanicus or Heretek, but I know I have to have war dogs and can now see how to add both kinds.
    I don't like the chaos god options, but don't see the emperor as the Omnissiah or the restrictions of the superstitious mechanicum. Chaos undivided might be an option.


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