How Bad of a Gun Control Beatdown Did New Jersey Really Get?

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the recent ruling out of New Jersey that enjoined large portions of New Jersey’s tantrum of new laws they passed in the wake of New York Pistol & Rifle Assoc. v. Bruen, While many in the online world said this was a complete decimation of New Jersey’s law, upon careful review, YES there was some big wins in this case, but it was not the the complete sweep that some made it out to be. Learn what all of this means to you and arm yourself with education today.

Applicable Case, Koons v. Platkin.

Opinion of the Court.

Order of the Court.
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29 thoughts on “How Bad of a Gun Control Beatdown Did New Jersey Really Get?”

  1. In the end these judges are really powerless to actually buck the statist system and effect any real change which isn't approved by the leftist deep-state agenda. The only "judicial activism" that is allowed ratchets one way -to the left. This opinion in NJ is too little & too late and with little or no teeth. What it boils down to is kicking the can down the road and stalling for more time until the powers that be can change the makeup of the supreme court so they can put the final nails in the 2a coffin.

    There is really only one way to reduce the government's power to tyrannize the public and it exists as the core of the 2a's purpose.

  2. NJ is a socialist shit-hole. Leaving that state was among the best of things I ever did for myself. I look forward to the day when anyone of any net-worth has left that dump and they are only left with politicians, public servants and welfare recipients. Will be fun to watch from across the Delaware river and see which group of rats is pushed off the sinking ship next.

  3. No big difference from the unconstitutional restrictions on many aspects of firearms ownership by the law abiding citizens of New Jersey with absolutely NO connection to crimes or criminal activity that they were attempting to prevent by their oppressive legislation that goes back for DECADES. And all those laws with no real purpose or justification other than disarming or restricting the law abiding went unchallenged by the courts or the NRA in this totally BLUE state. We even had a state senator years ago attempt to pass legislation requiring the surviving spouse of a legal firearms owner (after already satisfying all their draconian requirements to own them) to surrender any such firearms to the local police department and then file all the necessary forms and 😂applications to obtain them again. This would effectively leave the widow and orphans of the deceased defenseless, thus proving that their gun laws are truly about disarming the law abiding citizens and NOT about preventing crime.

  4. New Jersey’s interpretation of the second amendment:

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the Judges, Prosecutors and Attorney Generals to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  5. Are all the grotesquely unconstitutional Anti-2A laws still in full effect? Yes. Courts don't stop tyranny, and there's NO "victory" whatsoever. We and our families are all as good as DEAD at this fucking point…

  6. I'm sorry I know you are an Individual who respects the law. Unfortunately the state of New Jersey has a decades long history and culture of disrespect of the law, the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the rights of American citizens. As an example. From 1975 to 1978 I was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. For about a year of that time I was a member of the post pistol team. One weekend we were to travel from APG to Delaware where we would compete at an NRA Bullseye competition. We would provide our own transportation (our Privately Owned Vehicles). Now when a government employee uses their POV for official travel they are reimbursed for the mileage. When traveling on official business by POV the employee, soldier, congress person or janitor, is required to take the shortest most direct route. Now this requirement would take us for a very brief time through NJ. We were given written orders authorizing us to take a longer route through Pennsylvania that would cost the US ARMY more money in mileage reimbursement. The justification for this was that even though we were active duty military personnel, traveling under written orders that we would have in our possession and we would be transporting US ARMY owned pistols. If we were stopped by a NJ LEO we would be subject to arrest and imprisonment until the JAG office could get us released to ARMY custody. We were told this could take anywhere from several days to weeks. And there was no guarantee that the ARMY would be able to recover their guns. Further the state could insist on prosecuting us for unlawful possession of firearms. They would have lost but we would still be fracked with and would have the arrest on our records. And if we were transporting any privately-owned weapons, which many of us did, I still have the Ruger bull barreled 22LR that I used. Well things just got worse and even if we did not get convicted, we would probably never get our guns back. The anti Constitution, anti gun culture runs strong and deep in NJ politics and law enforcement. They won't give back our rights without a fight and even if an individual prevails in court you know better than most the high cost of defending yourself against a corrupt government.

  7. I think the law was changed, but at one time I had a slingshot confiscated in the garden state. It was classified as a prohibited weapon. Luckily, I wasn't charged with a felony, only had it confiscated.

  8. Lawmakers draft new gun restrictions then exempt themselves from it. Hmmmm. That's tantamount to mandating that federal workers and essential workers are required to take an experimental vaccine but exempting congress from it. Thank God that could never happen…right?

  9. Your goombas running jersey need to be voted out newyork is nothing now weak ass state for allowing libtards to make rules exp Cicconi or what ever is a looser😮

  10. The state didnt try to argue their case because they knew they would lose and was going to appeal it anyway that why they wrote the judge a letter telling her to hurry up. Yep they did that. NJ is betting the antigun 3rd circuit like the 2nd circuit in NY will lift the injunction and drag it on in court.

  11. ‘ how bad of a ‘, ‘ HOW BAD OF A ‘! Did you people not learn any English grammar in school! You should be ashamed of yourselves. This, coming from supposedly highly educated lawyers. This is indicative of the depths to which our education system, has sunk. The future is not looking good!


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