How ANYONE Can SOLO FLAWLESS Warlord's Ruin (Complete Warlock Guide)

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0:00 Intro/Build
3:06 Rathil (First Boss)
6:41 1st Intermission
10:58 Locus Of Wailing Grief (2nd Boss)
20:03 2nd Intermission
27:47 Hefnd’s Vengeance (Final Boss)


32 thoughts on “How ANYONE Can SOLO FLAWLESS Warlord's Ruin (Complete Warlock Guide)”

  1. On my solo flawless run as a titan, i skipped the whole blight room by throwing a tangle to the left, after killing the first witches that spawn. I waited to make sure the rocks dont hit me, threw my tangle in the gap left and up of the blight sphere, grappled, jumped to cancel grapple and then grapple melee into the scorn snipers by the exit. I definitely dont recommend that as its way riskier 😂, but i was annoyed because of how a previous run was ended, so i decided to rush.

  2. For final boss, since psions always spawn near you when damage starts, and you’re in a well anyway, you’d technically get more damage out of surrounded on apex, but tbf, bait and switch is much more consistent

  3. So I just died at final boss with restoration x2 not from the Wizards shooting me together but the Scorn mini boss that drop the totem… I am so mad. I must have got shot by the scorn, the boss and I guess the blight that was next to him? That was my first time dying to that in all my attempts so wanted to let everyone know to be careful around them. This was on first platform.

  4. How ANYONE can solo flawless? ANYONE? That is total bollox. I am average player at best. I can hold my own in regular and master raids, dungeons and grandmaster nightfalls, also two man them. It took me an hour or more to just solo the first boss, and I shut down Destiny after having died to biting frost the third time at the Ogre. I am not good enough a player to kill these bosses in 2 or 3 or even 4 damage phases, so soloing this Dungeon turns into an excessive grind fest for me. It's simply not fun, not at all. It's just satisfying the same mechanics over and over and over for hours, with the greatest challenge being not dieing to excessive amounts of damage sources. You are TOTALLY DELUSIONAL about how much better you play than the majority of the Destiny players. That's a general problem with you Youtuber and streamer guys: You assume everybody is at least close to your level. Most people are not. You simply have no idea how Destiny plays and feels for average players. I am so tired of these "anyone can do it" bullsh*t guides. There's just no way to beat this with a halfway normal loadout, mostly relying on guns, and not having to watch a bunch of timers simultaneously and constantly do some extra action to proc some ability. Destiny has generally gotten so build mechanics geared that it makes guns more and more superfluous.

  5. I’m on bonk titan and my main struggle is the final boss, I keep overestimating how strong my sunspots are and I get overwhelmed by the taken balls, the wizards and the psions all ganging up on me, it’s a lot to juggle sometimes


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