How and Why Did the Elite Russian Soldier Surrender to Ukraine?

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31 thoughts on “How and Why Did the Elite Russian Soldier Surrender to Ukraine?”

  1. Russia's doing a great job taking on over 30 countries all at the same time. Amazing.

    A British prince was visiting British troops fighting in Ukraine.

    Partisans lost a $300M drone into the black sea due to shoddy maintenance. Partisans wish to remain anonymous because they are scared.

  2. Ukraine is being fucked because they fired on that Russian convoy sitting there doing nothing last year. Firing on a Russian convoy sitting there doing nothing isn't very bright. Plain stupidity. Tea and biscuits would have yielded better results.

  3. Благослови Боже Україну Славянська Україна армія щасти НАТО і європейці уніан Славянська Україна людям щастить

  4. Elite soldier is smart enough to know that this war has no significant cause for him to die for. Even if it is russian speaking people in donetsk and luhansk being shelled and killed, ukraine did not harm him personally with guns or shells while he was sipping his borscht in a tiny apartment in moscow.

  5. I am pro peace and against any kind of the war but why those Russian parents send their naive 19 years old boys to occupy another country and die in the Ukrainian fields and trenches? Why? …I would understand if the russians fight to protect their own country but 176 000 loosing their lives and 529 000 wounded loosing their eyes, arms, legs and other body parts in the shame of the killing civilians and children, occupiing, invading and destroying Ukraine,…WHY?…Instead the russian army should rebel against Putin and go after him and why not give him a capital punishment publicly in the middle of the RED SQUARE. SLAVA UKRAINI.


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