How America Won The Space Race To The Moon And Beyond | Beyond Our Earth | Spark

The Moon; was the ultimate prize in a race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Conquering the Moon details the subsequent missions returning to our satellite and speculates about our lunar future.

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23 thoughts on “How America Won The Space Race To The Moon And Beyond | Beyond Our Earth | Spark”

  1. But nasa hasn't got the funding to go to the moon. Nasa keeps saying, not in the budget, its the dust, we can not replicate the components, any and all excuses why they can't, won't be able to, to many problems might arise, bs on all of that.
    So who is going to be the main benefactor, the one signing the cheques. But why now, why do they want to go back to the moon. Nasa and the military doesn't want anyone going up there to the moon or even space for that fact.
    But why all of a sudden nasa is interested in going back there.
    What are they really up to, whats the real reason why nasa wants to go back there, what for. Not making much sense, when they have been talking about colonising Mars, and there is this tensions between Russia/Ukraine, China/america, global recession, weirdest weather and then there is the talk about ufos and aliens invading planet earth.
    But anyone can go up there, when and if they build or have the money to go there, no permission needed, free to all humans to explore space, anytime you want no one can really stop you.
    But where will all this money be coming from? So when are we going to be told the 100% honest truth with all this.

  2. Nobody’s gone to the Moon it’s all propaganda for power you take those billion dollar telescopes put it on the Moon live and show me every one of them things that are supposed to be there then I might believe you
    Other than that I’m calling your bluff💯🖕👎

  3. I knew it wouldn't take long for the moon landing deniers to show up. Give them proper homage. They are smarter than the Russian scientists who would have won an international prestige coup for giving credible evidence that the landing was faked. The deniers are smarter than all the astronomers and astrophysicists and every other scientist on the planet for the last fifty years combined because the deniers figured it out. The arrogance of the small illogical mind on display.


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