How AI Is Pushing an ANTI-Christian Agenda

There’s a new AI chatbot called ChatGPT, which is estimated to have amassed 100,000,000 users in just two months. This artificial intelligence may be very powerful, but is it a good thing for Christians? In this video, Bryan Osborne reveals two key issues with ChatGPT that all Christians should be cautious of.

0:00 – What is ChatGPT?
2:05 – Problem with ChatGPT: Social Issues Wokeness
4:13 – Problem with ChatGPT: Non-biblical Bias
6:43 – Reason Why ChatGPT is Biased: Underlying Left-Leaning Content
7:38 – Good Things About ChatGPT
8:24 – Technology Demonstrates Fulfilling the Dominion Mandate
9:12 – Call for Discernment with ChatGPT


ChatGPT Sets Record for Fastest-Growing User Base – Analyst Note

Chatbot Definition, Types, Pros & Cons, Examples

Why We’re Obsessed with the Mind-Blowing ChatGPT AI Chatbot

The Political Bias of ChatGPT – Extended Analysis

Why OpenAI’s ChatGPT Is Such A Big Deal

11 Things You Can Do With ChatGPT

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33 thoughts on “How AI Is Pushing an ANTI-Christian Agenda”

  1. Global Powers condition us to listen to AI directing us, telling us what to do. Many AI will not have faces on cheaper Publc models.
    Mask conditiong. Children growing up without seeing faces, maybe MORE accepting of AI citizens? Thinking caps children

  2. If you want a Christian perspective — you have to ask ChatGPT to Act like a Christian when answering the questions. Example… Act like a bible scholar and tell me how old the earth is…

    ChatGPT: As a language model, I can provide you with information on what various religious texts say about the age of the earth. According to the Bible, the age of the earth can be calculated based on the genealogy of Adam to Jesus, which is presented in the book of Genesis and the Gospels. Based on these genealogies, some biblical scholars estimate the age of the earth to be around 6,000-10,000 years old. This belief is based on the idea that each "day" of creation described in the book of Genesis represents a literal 24-hour period, and that the six days of creation occurred relatively recently in human history.

    Be Blessed. SisterJoy, Toronto, Canada 🥰

  3. thats fine Jesus and His Fathers holy Angels will stomp those A I s in buckets of bolts.Man has no idea the power and glory Jesus is returning in.All the wicked,and their creations will be burned to ashes under the soles of the faithfulls feet.No one or thing can stand against the Son of Almighty God.

  4. It is only opinions. A robot are programmed to believe what make sense about info humans give it. It can not be accurate for it is not human and not created by God but by human and their little knowledge some of which is right but some that is not close to accurate.

  5. This is like listening to a woke robocop that hates God, and in my humble opinion, it's evil. This is just too obvious…leftist ideology is being pushed via so-called A.I. And it's constantly lying as well, talking like everything it claims is scientifically proven truth, and it's most definitely not.

  6. Christian Young Earth Creationism isn't science, it's belief. Just like the Hindu, Nordic, Hellenic, Egyptian, Navajo, Lakota, and Polynesian creationisms. Should we all add them to science class? It's not like science teachers have anything better to do.

    You Christians need to get over yourselves.

  7. Calling a baby a fetus just shows what stage the life is in, just as calling a child a toddler doesn't mean he or she isn't still a life form so I think that is a bit of a stretch to say it is a left way of thinking just because it said fetus.

  8. This is another attempt of satan to be like God.

    Isaiah 14:12-15 (KJV) 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
    13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
    14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
    15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

    God the Son, created everything, including human intelligence. It is in the name artificial intelligence that it isn’t real. These systems may appear smart, capable of extraordinary feats of calculations and permutations; yet they will never be able to rationalize, possess emotion, or one of the greatest gifts God bestowed upon mankind, free will.

  9. Well, the answer it gave for what abortion is, although secular, pretty impartial to my opinion and not necessarily biased to the left. This is exactly what a medical professional would tell you. In the intrauterine stages of development of a human being, for better comprehension and study of this process, the development is divided into embryonic stage and fetal stage. This doesn't mean that these terms diminish the value of life, this is just a scientific/medical definition. I'm a doctor, and as a Chirstian Dr. I think life is sacred from conception, because what's being form is still a human being. Moreover, when you really study deeply what happens during these processes you realize more and more that life it's in itself a miracle, because everything looks carefully designed and not the result of a chance.

  10. AI does evil / dark images exceptionally well. When it does beautiful images, they somehow feel soulless. Imho it lacks humanity somehow — even though it is created from human words and images

  11. Hes right about Jesus what do you mean? Everything is cleared through him. He was not the creator of everything that is for the father and the father and the son are one in the sense that the Holy Spirit is in both of them equally.

  12. I hope that this video does not make it about religion, and you are correct that these AIs are not a reliable source. However, AIs discern the most related output from what is being asked of it. So far, we can treat AIs as tools and assist in helping it progress as it will be for us in the future. I'm using Bluewillow to generate images that is useful to me without any bias but influenced by our own input.

  13. I have seen a lot of dark art being created by AI being displayed on the web. However, I saw a piece of art that was generated by AI that depicted Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. What was interesting is that it had three images of Jesus in the picture. What I took from the image was that AI recognized Jesus as being part of the Holy Trinity.

  14. Oh, good grief! If we’re looking for biblical/theological based responses to deep questions, we should NOT be asking the danger robots and getting miffed with the results with which they’ve been programmed.
    We have to remember to build and utilize spiritually (as in the Holy Spirit) based resources, utilizing our own congregations and communities which are filled with actual geniuses…seriously, the kingdom of GOD is within US.

  15. Beware scientist they dont know who the christains are they may get you by.mistake God works in. Mysterious Ways Remember that in the old testament 1 angel destroyed thousands so they best remember this it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the. Living GOD …AMEN


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