How a Private Company, Became a World Power – The British East India Company

The longest video, Q&A not included here, I have ever made.

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Now I will get around to adding my reference list to this but you have all waited long enough.


20 thoughts on “How a Private Company, Became a World Power – The British East India Company”

  1. Hey bro, love your vids, the Russo navy ones caught me off guard n had me absolutely rolling! As I am violently American & an army infantry vet u got me wondering if there's any grada a funny to b had about fight'n around the world with 'merica & our apparent ride or die besties down unda n 'straya. I'm fairly confident that good ol 'straya has been the only nation to have accompanied us through every conflict & misadventure since ww2. I heart my combat wombat brethren

  2. was this about russia or the east india company? leave the russia stuff to the russia vids ay, or you risk ending up sounding like that mental guy in the pub rambling about the chinese spying on everyone.

    edit: Also, you really seem to have come into your own delivery wise, much tighter and more concise, great vid over all, thanks.

  3. Just recently got into Aubrey and Maturin again, probably for the fourth time, happens every three years or so.
    Meaning I am all for this,
    Big wooden boat = big smile.

  4. note a slight inaccuracy, the 1707 Acts of Union created the Kingdom of Great Britain, not the United Kingdom, Ireland was still treated as a separate kingdom, and the United Kingdom was created in 1801 with that Act of Union.


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