‘House of Worship 233’ with Marty Goetz LIVE (Friday, April 21, 2023)

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OUR NEW CD ‘House of Worship: Songs in Season…And Out’ is available now everywhere you listen to music! Get your copy now at https://store.martygoetz.com/products/House-of-Worship-Songs-In-Season-And-Out-p507598201

Lastly, almost all the songs we sing during our ministry time online are available on our website or anywhere you listen to music, so be sure to purchase or download so you can listen any time, anywhere!


Marty: https://www.facebook.com/martygoetz/
Misha: https://www.facebook.com/MishaGoetz/


24 thoughts on “‘House of Worship 233’ with Marty Goetz LIVE (Friday, April 21, 2023)”

  1. 56 minutes Marty maybe u got a revelation on a different level .? I find it hard to believe he is leading me too but then He does and Im surprised . Then i believe for a short time again and then , well not so sure . We r sheep

  2. Shabbat Shalom Marty and Jennifer❣️🥰💕🙏🏻💕Please pray for my daughter Ashley, who has been in pain from a C-section and for healing for my hand❣️Thank you, God bless you all❣️🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thank you for continuing to grow in Him and the good news ❤❤️❤️. Sacred time indeed. Oh to sing forever in the choirs of heaven! Love you precious family. Happy happy youth renewing days to you all and us all as we wait for the soon coming time that we’ll all be young forever again 🙌🏼

  4. YES several times the song just sang this past week "Just wanna say I love you Lord"………yes let us move forward in singing…..The Lord Yeshua is soooooo Beautiful! He knows all things…..what a Rest….so greatly anchored to be in Ruach HaKodesh Holy Spirit……praises and thanks oh Great I AM for all your riches! ♥♥♥ much love to you all.

  5. Marty, thank you so much for singing Psalm 131. It is my very favorite Psalm because the Lord always brings me back to it when I start spinning out of control. 😇. I love you both so much and am so thankful for you. 💞💞

  6. Mr Goetz, you are worthy brother…thank you for sharing…I always ask God to blow His Breath on His Children…the revelation of Who He Is…from our first cries of breath and until our last ones…He is WITH US…IMMANUEL. Ruach HaKodesh, His Holy Breath spoke us all into existence before the foundations of the world even (Jeremiah 1:5…key word in verse – before…) Glory to God…Yes, you may not know, but now you do, as He has His countenance upon you and your whole family dear one! Just wanted to add…as I continue watching the live recording…I thank you for these blessings and beautiful praise and worship time, with both Jenny and yourself. Such a blessing to everyone who watches…and so He is watching as well…God bless you both! ❤️🙏✌🏼

  7. Thank you for sharing your talents and your love and passion for the Lord, to the people. This morning I saw a posting about the Nashville shooting and it reminded me of you, and I went to check out the latest posting of House of Worship.
    The vintage video at the beginning was amazing – sheesh, such innocence and amazing talent, interesting to watch the vintage footage.
    I appreciate you and your wife, and ministry.
    Also – playing the tambourine is not easy – appreciate anyone that can do it and make it sound good.
    We're all very different in our life experiences and our different worlds.
    I really wish my whole family appreciated your music – they don't appreciate it the same as I do.
    Thank you for sharing with us – Jesus is Lord of all.

    Tim and family, Gleason, TN


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