House of the Dragon Episode 10 Review (Spoilers)

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Beau & Aaron review the season finale of House of the Dragon, ‘THE BLACK QUEEN’

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36 thoughts on “House of the Dragon Episode 10 Review (Spoilers)”

  1. Hmm disagree sorry. I absolutely hated both Rhaenyra and Allicent in the last two episodes. They're literally proving why men don't want them ruling by being straight delusional about the conflict. What are they going to do, wage that humanitarian warfare that neutered tyrion and varys championed. That wasn't level headed. Daemon and Otto were level headed. They kept their wits about them and prepared for the obvious oncoming conflict. Allicent specifically might be one of the first cases of multiple personality disorder in Westerosi history!

  2. For me as a non-book reader, the ending would’ve been shocking except for the fact the episode was leaked and that was spoiled for me 🫠It was still thrilling to watch. I didn’t expect him to die so soon

  3. I feel like they’re taking away some of the agency of Alicent and Rhaenyra and trying to make it more like they’re “innocent” in all of this and it’s the men acting animalistic and thus giving them a bad name. Like women have to be these soft creatures and men are the only ones that can be primal in nature.

  4. It's not ooc of Daemon. This podcast pointed out they romanticized him and they're doing it too to some extent. One of the a song of ice and fire YouTubers pointed out how it is not that ooc and to paraphrase her, Daemon is a good character but he's not good. It is within his nature. Also pointed out how being psychically linked to these dragons can be just as detrimental. And it also leads to not having control. Daenerys barely has control of Drogon in the books and it was also highlighted in the show. Targaryens may be more bonded to theirs than other Valyrians were, but as Dr. Satler said of clones dinos in the first Jurassic Park, they are aggressive things who'll defend themselves violently if they feel threatened. Syrax felt Luke's fear and the dragon's own sense of survival led it to flame Vhagar. Then Vhagar probably felt from the get go, her rider's disdain for Luke. Couple that with Luke's dragon attacking Vhagar and you have this end result. As far as Rhaenyra goes. People change. It is called growing up or ageing. Motherhood changes women. I have seen it countless times. Some of her characteristics though can still be seen in her present age. The death of Luke though will bring out that Targaryen temper turning into being called a female Maegor.

  5. I saw him dying from all the focus he was giving his character. I told my mother-in-law I thought he they were going to kill him off because he was gentle and kind and it would start the war. They paid in tribute well too with his interactions with his mother. Didn't know how it would happen, but the foreshadowed it happening for sure.

  6. I didn't know what was going to happen. From the moment I say Vhagar, I was like, please no, please no, he's just a cute kid. I did feel the possibility but I did not want it to happen. I felt it ended up creating a great amount of tension at the end.

  7. In my head canon Rhaenys went from The Queen Who Should've Been to Rhaenys the Smallfolk Slayer.

    The citizens will not be "team Black" if Daemon was right when he told Rhaenyra the opinion of the Smallfolk is important in the game.

  8. I didnt read the books. I kinda saw it coming when the dragon fight started. I didnt expect the death, I thought gore, loss of limbs or dragon but not death. I guess what got me was the dragon not listening. Sometimes I forget that the dragons are actually animals and its like…mother nature is a bitch xD.

  9. Yeah, i fucking hated that they changed Aemond’s motive. In the book he wasn’t playing he legit hunted Lucerys. This is because he gave Lucerys a choice…either u give me an eye or your life.

  10. It’s clear that the writers haven’t read the book. Daemon wouldn’t choke her. And aemond chasing luke but not wanting to kill him makes zero sense. It’s not there yet but it heading towards season 8 level of writing if they keep it up.

  11. Notice a few repeats from GOT:
    1. Daemon w/his dragon hovering over The king's Guards – Dani and her dragon confronting the Tullys
    2. Rhynera says she doesn't want to be "Queen of Ashes."- Tyrion (I think) says pretty much the same thing to Dani.
    3. Both Queens enter a meetin, on dragon back, LAST.

    Aemond 👎 but 👍 better lighting in this dragon battle scene.

  12. Question: considering that all of the Velaryon kids Rhaenyra has are indeed bastards and considering the fact that her Velaryon husband is still alive, doesn't this mean that her marriage to Daemon is technically invalid and her kids with him are also bastards? Thus excluding all her kids from succession, if it's done according to their rules…

  13. Just also wondering why Rhae and Daemon didn’t talk and plan on the foreseeable when King Viserys die. For Otto, he has been prepared since Aegon’s birth and even planned with the small council to eliminate her, Daemon and their family including Daemon’s loyal kings guard! Did Rhae and Daemon forgot or not even entered their mind that Otto and the greens are cunning and not to be trusted! Seems like she still wanted to rule with peace and unite the 7 kingdoms trusting the allegiance of the noble houses 30 years ago. She sounded like King Viserys already relying on the prophecy but the imminent danger is war in her doorstep! I can understand her though that she just wanted to be cautious and see if she still has the support of the houses who once pledge to her before. Daemon on the other hand is more reactionary and on the war mode ready to attack. Plan is plan so they also took action fortifying Dragon stone and kept watch while sending messages to the noble houses. It was a mis calculation and over confidence on her when she sent her son Lucerys to Storm end. She thought since the Baratheon’s are their relatives, the lord will side to her.. So now that Lucerys died, everything is changed. Gone with peace and to Daemon’s war path.

  14. Aemond knew he couldn't control vhagar long before that yet he brought him out there to toy with ending up killing that child he didn't care surprised yes that was the first time killing someone but he's not sorry it happened his eye cut was accidental not deep enough to cause death but to want to cut out the child's eye which may cause death he's heartless n I say it was his intention to kill luceyrus

  15. I LOVE DAMONE however I also know a Dysfunctional Relationship when I see 1. I think he knows it too. He always has , remember the original seen on the bridge, she told him to be done with it she will be Queen he will always be a second son. No better then Otto

  16. Daemon may be insubordinate, but he was 100% right. When your throne has just been usurped, you need to get to business ASAP. Rhaenyra should have never let Otto leave driftmark. He should have been arrested and she should have melted all of his guards. When Daemon yelled "The enemy have declared war! What are you going to do about it?", he was stating the obvious. Waiting so long to respond allowed Otto to get a head start courting Storm's End's loyalty. Sending her untested sons to do such important work, and sending them alone, was insanity. There should have been 3 dragon riders and a seasoned diplomat in each group. Rhaenyra has strategic advantages but her dithering and poor judgement has already cost her a son and a dragon.

  17. Man ya'll simp for Rhaeynera too hard and you want Deamon to simp for her too even though it is not at all in his character, Rheynera is not only a woman but his lover and his little niece, he barely respected Viserys reign why would he simp for rae rae?

  18. I know the story has already been laid out.

    Yet I don’t know why Lord Baratheon didn’t give Luke a massive head start when running back home, since Aemond threatened him they should have made him wait with them for a good couple of hours.
    Lord Baratheon can’t claim he’s that innocent.


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