Horse Hoof Cleaning

Satisfying horse hoof cleaning.

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#horsehoofcleaning #farrier #satisfying


49 thoughts on “Horse Hoof Cleaning”

  1. Guys,I know this is quite off topic,but I need to ask some questions :
    1. Why are horse shoes shaped like that and don’t cover the entire horse hooves?
    2. Why are horse shoes metal but our shoes aren’t?(this one is kinda simple but I dunno just need to ask)
    3.How do horse shoes get on the horse’s hooves? Cuz I don’t see any nails or drills made into the horse’s hooves.(edit: I didn’t see the video until the new shoes part sorry 😅)
    4.Is a horse shoe permanent or one use (when taken off for cleaning it needs to be thrown away)?
    5.Are horse shoes comfortable for horses?
    6.Wont the horse kick you when cleaning the leg?
    7.Why do people clean horse hooves like this? They should just spray the dirt off with water,not cut the hooves off , oh wait maybe they do it because the hooves grow?idk guys do horse hooves grow in height and how does it look like?
    8.Are horse shoes healthy for horses and will a horse be okay even without shoes? horse shoes rust and does it affect the horse?
    10. How often does a horse do cleaning on the hooves? Is it very tiring and long?(how long does it take?)
    11. And most importantly, what is the purpose of horse shoes?
    (One silly question : does it stink after you clean the horse hoove?)


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