Horrible Battle! Ukrainian launch 20 drones destroy 512 wagner group Russian in frontline bakhmut

Ukrainian launch 20 drones destroy 512 wagner group Russian in frontline bakhmut. Ukrainian forces have inflicted casualties on …


9 thoughts on “Horrible Battle! Ukrainian launch 20 drones destroy 512 wagner group Russian in frontline bakhmut”

  1. LOL…… Since the 26th Russia has done tens of millions of dollars worth of destruction to ukraine. In under 450 days Russia has done around $2,000,000,000,000 of damage to Ukraine. Even if we go back to 2014…… In almost a decade Ukraine has probably done well under $100k worth of damage. Who cares about 100 dead russian losers. Ukraine is being ripped to shreds and being slaughtered in a proxy war for my government. Please stop this stupid BS heroizing the total big picture failures of ukraine.


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