Homeworld 3 – What to Expect!

Get ready for an in-depth exploration of Homeworld 3 preview in this video! Discover the latest updates, delve into the development timeline, unravel the captivating story, and explore the stunning graphics and gameplay mechanics. Join us as we discuss the return of the iconic soundtrack and the excitement surrounding Homeworld 3. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the franchise, this comprehensive guide will leave you informed and eager for the cosmic adventure that awaits. Don’t miss out on the latest insights – Homeworld 3 is shaping up to be a game-changer in the world of space RTS. Subscribe now for a cosmic journey through anticipation and expectations! #Homeworld3 #GamePreview #SpaceRTS

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00:00 Intro
01:57 Legacy & Development
03:58 Storyline
05:39 A Visual Feast, Can you run it?
07:14 Space Strategy at it’s Finest
08:46 New game modes: War Games
09:59 Sound in Space!
10:37 Message to BBI


15 thoughts on “Homeworld 3 – What to Expect!”

  1. I've been a huge fan of Homeworld since the beginning, no other game has captured that sense of wonder I felt the first time I played it. Even though HW3 got delayed it still feels like a dream come true that I'm going to be playing it this march. It'll feel like I've finally come home.

  2. Just looks fab…. count me in … and I like the thought of cosmic elephants too… maybe a game of the future… you read it here first 🐸❤️🐌❤️❤️🐘🐘🚀🌘🐘🌘🇩🇰🍼👶🐌✈️🇩🇰❤️

  3. unfortunately gearbox isnt known for quality or even getting the job done or even doing anything right, the remaster is a good example of them putting in not only minimal effort below what even modders do, but introducing issues non-existent in the original and just creating headaches for the mod community for no other reason then they simply didnt care about polish or doing the remaster properly to begin with, it was just easy milk money for them, which has been a long standing trend when ever they touch anything with a fan base behind it, as such homeworld remaster was just lucky it was a remaster or if it was a new HW back then, it would of been another of gearbox middle finger to the fans, something they have no shame doing either.

    i tried the next game after the remaster, it wasnt that good, though there hasnt been much good in the genre for years besides a few ruff diamonds , but doesnt change the fact its just sub-standard releases one after another, the trend hasnt been broken in years, gearbox is a bit like Bethesda's little cousin at this point, just worse, virtually everything the touch is a instant downgrade from what even EA would release.

    so its good the game has been delayed, but visuals though a improvement look like they belong back in 2015, yet needs a decent rig to run full throttle… yea thats a classic symptom that a developer is knowingly skipping 12-24months of a dev work intentionally, even despite the delays. ever since AAA realized they could get away with selling alpha products as a full releases, thats what they started to do, they begun removing essentially the core of the beta cycle were they normally make it feature complete, bug crunch, optimize and go over the code for any issues, before it goes into the final testing pass, they just skip it and people are then dumbfounded why so many AAA releases seem a like a alpha, because they are.

    12-24 months of work was just cut, intentionally as part of the original dev plan. They know consumers will tolerate the missing features, the bugs and lack of polish and optimization when the game has a large fan base.

    however because a game can be very resource hungry when leaving alpha phase of development when it has lots of assets on screen that need to be rendered etc etc, because this is known upfront they intentionally reduce visual quality by design, so instead of 2024 graphics, you get 2014 graphics or at the very best (this is also why its 16gb Ram and doesnt go to 32gb recommended as assets are very outdated)… what was the closest comparison graphically from 5 years or so ago that was also not update visually either, this allows them to make the game work well enough on current gen hardware despite the sloppy performance, its also another reason to avoid making the games feature complete as that would make performance even worse.

    then typically what they do to offset allot of visual polish even for low end visual design, they utilize the GPU to add the spit shine instead, so they enable all the GPU bells whistles to try make the visuals look better and expect GPU driver optimizations by nvidia etc to improve performance without the dev doing work, but again because they arent going to do the 12-24months of work core to the beta cycle, well performance is just going to tank when these bells and whistles are turned up, hence the lack of ram needed, but the GPU scales up quickly = you know the game is PLANNED to skip the core beta dev cycle, makes you wonder why they delayed the game then? must have been doing some shody dev work that was to bad to even pass the already low standards set.

    simply put it a dead give away the game aint going to get the love and polish it should get, not surprising for any AAA these days, its standard industry practice.

    doesnt always mean a game is destined to be trash, ive played many alpha builds that were pretty good, though not from any corpo names.

    but for me, i will only try HW3 for free, since Gearbox is on my financial blacklist, so like previous gearbox games i tried for free (good thing as none were worth the $$$), they wont be getting a cent from me for HW3 either, regardless what i think of it when it drops, thats their life long reward, they only get skull and bones from me.

  4. 2024 got no really big games like 2023. I mean yeah there is Homeworld 3, Indiana Jones or Star Wars Outlaws but if you look at 2023 there was a really big game nearly every month

  5. I think Homeworld's importance as a franchise is often underestimated due to RTS' being a difficult genre, more niche perhaps, nevertheless you will seldom hear of someone who speaks bad of this gane. The reason for that is because the love and dedication these devs have for their own franchise is palpable, and you can even percieve their constraints and need for limiting the scope of their vision in the worlds they have created. I can only wonder how satisfied they must feel now that they have the opportunity to forge the work more closely to the one envisioned over 20 years ago, with the same child-like wonder we always had for it.

    My love for these games runs deep, sadly won't be able to enjoy it soon after release due to the highly demanding system requirements.

  6. this game will unlock potential for mods, and there is already plenty of them for homeworld 2, (it will be easy to transfer them , the mass effect mod is already waiting for homeworld 3 release due to homeworld 2 ram usage limitation)


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