Hometown History – Hellam's Horn Farm, S2, E4

The Horn Farm is taking center row as Hometown History showcases YoCo’s agriculture history. Jamie and Domi explore 3 lessons taught through 3 crop combos, all rooted in county history and still grown at Hellam Township’s Horn Farm. They provide a taste of the three-sister grains planted by Native Americans, long-lasting Imperial apple and flavorful pawpaws. The Horn farm does much more than preserve York County agricultural history. It practices it. And is doing so amid adversity. A 2021 lightning strike claimed most of its historic farmhouse. And a truck stop wants to plant operations a field away. Still, a farmhouse rebuild is planned. “Let the ashes of this tragedy,” the Horn Farm says, “be fertile soil for our future growth and resilient community.”

Season 2, 2022

Episode 2.1 – All in One Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgo8fAxhO68

Episode 2.2 – Stitching Secret Messages: https://youtu.be/ZlSo7zjCuQo

Episode 2.3 – Bridging the Susquehanna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8CpirdR_uA&list=PLtbDp4leDwa1JZVq8wkIKUqp9esXET-CK&index=6&t=694s

Season 1, 2021

Episode 1.1 – The Baptist Farm and Underground Railroad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG2sWWEION4&t=69s

Episode 1.2 – Trauma in War and the Workplace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5qX5Bii_LE&t=1s

Episode 1.3 – The People of the Golden Venture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOgEgctNYck&list=PLtbDp4leDwa070VfzjPh7bienFPDDppwq&index=5&t=3s

Episode 1.4 – A Hill to Die on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX22YCQuvcQ&list=PLtbDp4leDwa070VfzjPh7bienFPDDppwq&index=4&t=4s

Episode 1.5 – Millers’ Tales: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBSuGKetfYo&list=PLtbDp4leDwa070VfzjPh7bienFPDDppwq&index=3&t=924s

Episode 1.6 – Susquehanna Trail: This Old Road Keeps Rolling On: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2oV5yRPRuk&list=PLtbDp4leDwa070VfzjPh7bienFPDDppwq

Related sites:
Preserving Newberrytown: https://www.facebook.com/groups/96217
Retro York: https://www.facebook.com/groups/retro
Witnessing York: https://www.witnessingyork.com/
Wandering in York County: https://yorkblog.com/wandering/


1 thought on “Hometown History – Hellam's Horn Farm, S2, E4”

  1. Awesome work! I just found you guys and I have been focusing on Hellam Township a lot lately. Its great you are featuring the Horn Farm. Unfortunately I was there to see the fire fighters attempting to minimize the damage to the house.


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