Home Arcade Hits & Misses Of 2022! Was The Year Just Full Of Tricks?

RANDOM Trick or Treat Stream with many Guest Stars as we discuss the current state of Home Arcade and what has Arcade1Up, AtGames, iiRcade given us during 2022? Any Treats? Only Tricks? What were the hits and misses of 2022?

Also – who is Mr. Home Arcade?


25 thoughts on “Home Arcade Hits & Misses Of 2022! Was The Year Just Full Of Tricks?”

  1. good show & relaxed. and yet again ill say hopefully one day we in the uk get the iiracde shipped. arcade one up did a great job with yoga flame but rather a pro version. Ct Jason is the real deal get over it !!! Lol

  2. Real simple: A1Up does not have storage to fit the cab boxes, so at the mercy of inventory flow, and retailer discretion. A1Up should know better as a result, in doing pre-orders. Only way for that to work is preorder, BEFORE they allocate and ship to retailers, so A1Up should have done preorders, a few months earlier.

  3. Great show.

    I think the iiRcade Gold was the biggest trick for me for all the reasons Bee mentioned. For all their talk about family and community, they're really ok with leaving people behind if third parties can't figure it out? Really? And they really expect me to keep spending money on their platform after showing me they don't really care? They need to be more proactive on this.

    The biggest treat was grabbing Ridge Racer when it went on sale for $400.

  4. Point 1: Arcade1Up effed up the online sales.
    Point 2: Arcade1Up is moving toward all online sales.

    Fuuuuuuu… is this Restalgia's doing? Fugging Restalgia.

    (Also, after replacing the monitor, the MK30th is the best "new" cabinet they've made to-date. Not even joking.)

  5. Quick question for the community: What is your reason (if so) for not downloading/emulating roms and owning fewer cabinets? Is it the morality of "stealing games"? Is it the tediousness/difficulty of setting up your own emulation setup? Something else? I'm very curious. I often see comments from the community like "my wife is gonna kill me". I often wonder why they don't go the emulation path and I wonder if their wives know that path exists, lol. Looking for any feedback.


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