History of Humanity's Disgusting Hygiene | JRE #joerogan #jre #history


50 thoughts on “History of Humanity's Disgusting Hygiene | JRE #joerogan #jre #history”

  1. How do we know this? Heard it being said often that we rarely cleaned ourselves earlier in history but like.. the guys who didn't circumcise would have had their thing fall off no? Do we have proof or it is just the common perception?

    P.S Water is not all that has been used to clean ourselves through time.

  2. They cleaned themselves in the rivers and bathed without using soap.
    They only used soap every now and again.
    If you don't believe me,go work in the hot sun all day and never wash.
    Guarantee you'll be crying and covered in a rash on all your sensitive areas.
    I was stuck being homeless for awhile,and I was still working. Took maximum 3 days before my body needed to be cleaned or I couldn't do hard physical labor anymore.
    Also they did clean their teeth. They just didn't have the "toothbrush" invention specifically.
    Our ancestors weren't filthy. They just couldn't buy or make as much SOAP 🧼 as we can now. So they couldn't use it everyday

  3. The people who are now called Mexicans taught them to bathe. We called the Spaniards stinky ones. Te-ul…..they smelled like death warmed over. Because they never , EVER!!! took a bath.

  4. Why people love single in themselves out as taking the credit for history until we start talking about the disgusting hygiene of Europe largely throughout the civilized worlds history and then it's always a matter of humans as being gross. Most of Africa and a lot of the North American continent and lots of Eastern Asia were cleaning their asses at the time that European cities were still shiting in buckets and throwing them out of Windows


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