His Return To The Imperium And The Future Role Of The Custodes | The M3 Podcast with @QuipsterNerd

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0:00 Adeptus Custodes
2:42 Creating The Custodes
5:06 The Emperor’s Advisors
13:30 How The Emperor Appears To The Primarchs
14:57 Lies of the Emperor
17:39 Custodes VS Harlequins
21:57 Custodes Humanity
24:29 Vaults of Terra
25:43 Custodes Don’t Care For the Imperium!
27:35 The Return of Constantin Valdor
43:19 Warhammer Amazon Show


32 thoughts on “His Return To The Imperium And The Future Role Of The Custodes | The M3 Podcast with @QuipsterNerd”

  1. Does anyone know where the lore explains the Custodians being to a space marine what a space marine is to a imperial guardsmen? This is said somewhere in the intro of this video, but that seems like an exaggeration, most likely an attention grabber, but I know so much information on the Lore that this sounds like just a guess from a custodes fan.

  2. Hi guys. Did you consider Valdor is gathering blanks, space marines, etc etc just to retake and secure the fisrt city of the webway, just long enough to heal the emperor by giving to him the tree of life or by killing it before the emperor reborn ?

  3. Something I want revealed is what happened to Diocletian. Even in the latest HH books he gets mentioned and has some lines. I doubt he dies, because he penned a book "later in his career" which to me implies he wrote it after the heresy, and the Custodes still read in it modern 40k, so perhaps he pulls a Valdor and dips

  4. Valdore is basically Primarch and given his close connection to original Big E's idea – I'd expect some groundbreaking movements. Also, I wonder how many Custodes still remember him and are left after 10 millenia and war in WebWay. On the other hand, we might see confrontation between Captains Generals.

  5. The thing is if the emperor is like corax saw him without armor an then suddenly with, if the emperor got into a fight right that moment would he have armor on or would he actually be soooo much more powerful then we already think he clearly is because his armor is always fake an hes just taking the hits to his body an healing himself super quick via his perpetual powers or his other power ???

  6. My favorite little headcannon story for Constantin Valdor is that he was one of the two lost Primarchs. The Warp scattered the Primarchs, obviously, and everyone we know was lost through space. But the Warp does funny stuff with time too, so why not one lost back through time to pre-unification Terra? What better reason could the Emperor have for moving entire armies to claim Valdor than he sensed something incredibly special about him that he didn't understand? Valdor, being this incredible man the Emperor didn't quite understand the genesis of, could have inspired the creation of the Custodes themselves as he tried to recreate what was so special about Valdor. And after they turned out great but not the generals of the Imperium he needed, inspired the Primarchs themselves. And when he suddenly realized the paradox implied and required, he hid Valdor's true nature from everyone, and waited for his Primarchs to be lost and scattered.

  7. In my reading of the Bequin novels I developed the idea that Valdor is still trying to do the best thing for the Emperor. He has realized that the Emperor is a perpetual and the speaking his name in enuncia will free him from his current deathless state and allow him to reincarnate. Just my thoughts.

  8. Another tidbit, Custodians are all equal in rank. Having the Title of Shield Captain, Lockwarden, and Captain General are all superficial. They all take orders from The Emperor and no one else.

  9. Can you list all the books you referenced and also all the individual titles of books in 40k either stand alone or series that are essential to read or worth reading. 40k is my favorite fictional universe but I honestly have little knowledge compared to you and most fans and I yearn to become insanely knowledgeable and well versed in the lore. Thank you, and keep making content, I enjoy your work tremendously

  10. The whole thing about the Dark King prophecy I wonder if it isn't Valdor himself. He is the Dark King to the Emperor's Light King, he is what the Emperor needs him to be. Nobody else can be trusted to be ruthless enough, to be focused enough, to be Enough.

    I've said before that the Dark King approaching mentioned during the Siege of Terra doesn't mean Horus, and likely NEVER meant Horus. Horus was just a pawn of Chaos, he was a part of the Emperor's plan to achieve Apotheosis. He just failed because he hadn't counted on Horus retaining a tiny shred of himself, a Son who loved his Father and was horrified at what he had done. Back to my point, given the way time works in the Warp all the "Dark King is approaching" means is one step on the plan has been completed, which is followed immediately from that perspective by the second which could happen millions of years from now. I have previously commented about my theory it could have always meant Abaddon because the death of Horus was key to Abaddon deciding to never swear to any of the Gods after seeing Horus swear to all of them and have his power abandon him in the last moment. It makes perfect sense that it could also be Valdor, him realising that he is the only one that can free the Emperor from the Throne by building SOMETHING in the Warp to siphon energy directly to the Throne and free the Emperor to actually fix it. Or to be released to run the Galaxy properly.

  11. No dude, an top tier harlequin could definitely kill a custode. Ever heard of flip belts? Harlequins are pretty much the what elder equivalent of custodes. Fusion pistol to the dome and poof. You forget Elgar are the superior race, the only reason they aren’t wrecking face is cause theyre a dying race. And why wouldn’t a farseer be more gifted than a librarian? The elder are by far more psychically gifted

  12. I believe the King in Yellow is Valdor and the reason for his army is to enter the webway and take, occupy, and then hold the abandoned city of Calastar (the sight of the war in the webway). Holding this city means if the Emperor were to leave the golden throne, demons would not enter Terra because to get to Terra they have to pass through Calastar. Even the composition of the army supports this in my mind. If you were to imagine the perfect army to hold the webway it would be what Valdor has amassed. Just my 2 cents.

  13. Maybe Valdor is actually working to assemble what he needs to seal or stabilize the big disaster of the hole in the Imperial Webway that Magnus- like sealing up the breach would be THE THING to get the Emperor out of the Golden throne. Be it regeneration or re-incarnation, the absence of the Emperor on that chair leads to the fall of Terra. It's also something that we know would require massive, massive resources in terms of fighting just to enter it – and the resources to seal that breach were beyond even the Emperor at the time, and probably needs long forgotten, lost or kept as well defended secrets Old Ones tech, and an understanding of it to do. Which really seems like they justify and require all the steps Valdor needed to do as the King in Yellow.

  14. I would like the king in yellow to be amon, as he was left on the other side of the gate to the webway to keep murder at bay, I think it was amon anyway, but whoever that was

  15. …and yet Black Library writers do them dirty all the time…writing them as weak and idiotic…easily swatted, not observant, tactically vapid. I get the Lore aspect of a shrouded history, but when it crafts current Lore and there is no consistency then it really weakens the entire 'Universe'. It would be good if GW just set some ground rules for their writers on what is what…some base line qualities and characteristics…like a Company of Custodes can't get wiped out by a bug in 30 seconds of combat without even getting a single strike on it?

  16. In terms of who Henry cavil is playing in his WH series, I was in hospital with one of Dan A's mates and he told me who Henry Cavil is playing and why it's with Amazon. I was skeptical but that guy got me a signed copy of a book Dan wrote so I'm taking it as Gospel. And it's not a Primarch, Eisenhorn or Valdor

  17. Dear imperial denizen Sandman, this is an official enquiry as to when you are going to complete your emperor assigned duty of gaining the knowledge of the ruinous powers, more specifically the one that the heretics refer to as the "grandfather"? The Ordo Logicio-Hereticus of the God Emperors most holy Inquisitio greatly require this information for the logistical side of the war. Hopefully with this information we'll be able to push back the ruinous powers… supposedly they embody more than just th^* [REMOVED BY THE ORDO REDACTICUS] [REMOVED BY THE ORDO REDACTICUS]

    Hopefully you'll be able to complete this soon. With highest respects, Inquistor Negalius dogé

  18. To be honest, Valdor owes no alleigance to the imperium in it's current form. As a matter of fact, no custodian does. So long as the master of mankind is safe, that's all they care about. All they do is to keep him safe. Or further his agenda. Knowing that the custodes keep him safe, he probably stepped down as captain general and did the second part of their duties, he went out to further the emperor's agenda and does not give a damn for the imperium. The culmination of Penitent clearly shows the sophistication of the operation, the resources he commands are what we would call state level resources. Either he managed to create a shadow state over the millennia or he's still connected to the custodes and they provide him with what he needs. A little like the war in the webway. No one knew about it, but it required immense resources that were in fact, used.


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