Hide & Seek – Favorite Ice Cream? | MW2

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34 thoughts on “Hide & Seek – Favorite Ice Cream? | MW2”

  1. A good ice cream cake is better than a good cake. However, a great cake is better than a great ice cream cake. A cake can get better, but an ice cream cake is usually better.

  2. Hi there! If anyone wants to talk about religion or their problems with christianity or wants to learn about Jesus, just hit me up. Thank you! (Attached is a copy of the core Gospel): Well Iā€™ll get straight to the point: do you think you are a good person? You might have thought about it before, or you might have not. But your answer is probably yes. Now the rest of this might get personal, but remember, I canā€™t see-or hear you reading this, so donā€™t worry. Now letā€™s have a look at the Ten Commandments. You donā€™t have to believe in the Bible to take this quiz:

    Have you ever stolen something? Yes no

    Have you ever looked with lust? Yes no

    Have you ever used the Lord/Jesus/Christ/Godā€™s Name as a swear word? Yes no

    Have you ever told a lie? Yes no

    You probably answered Yes to, at least, two of those. There are six more. A bit of math would tell you that (10 divided by 2 =5) , out of the Ten Commandments, on average you probably answered Yes to five of them. Do you still think you are a good person? Now Iā€™m doing this because I care about you. You could die at any moment. Your heart may stop right now. And Iā€™d like to see all of you in Heaven. I donā€™t want you to go toā€¦to…to…toā€¦what was it again? Was it perhaps hell? We have all sinned. Nobody is perfect or worthy in Godā€™s sight. In fact, the only way our sins could be forgiven, was if a perfect something died for us. We all sin every day. We look with lust, we lie, we blaspheme, we swear and we steal without giving it a second thought. Imagine all those sin and guilt offerings we would have to offerā€¦ but we donā€™t have to. Because God sent His one and only Son Jesus, to die for us on the cross as THE sin offering so that whoever BELIEVES in Him will be forgiven and have eternal life. He took all the sins that will ever be on Himself. He paid the price; i.e. Heā€™s the Person who paid the fine for the stack of offences on the Judges(Godā€™s) desk, so He could let you go. That is how great His Love and Mercy for you is. He has no reason to spare you, apart from His abounding Love and Mercy. You just have to accept His forgiveness, repent, get baptised and turn to Him. It doesnā€™t matter how much ā€œgoodā€ youā€™ve done in this life, it doesnā€™t change that youā€™re a sinner, you still will be judged for the bad youā€™ve done. If this has moved your heart, and you wish to be saved, why not do so right now?















    Ps: your life-span on this earth is nothing compared to eternity. Just remember that. Is your soul safeā€¦?

    PPS: Let the Lord sanctify you. And read a Bible at least once a day, even if itā€™s just one chapter.


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