He's CALLING OUT Plarium and People Are Getting MAD

RAID Shadow Legends | Let’s Talk About Nerfs & Balance
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Today in RAID Shadow Legends DROCK and I will discuss balance in the game. Including champions like Trunda, Armanz the Magnificent, Taras, Marichka, Galathir and more. Enjoy!

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37 thoughts on “He's CALLING OUT Plarium and People Are Getting MAD”

  1. I just pulled armanz from the current prism event and i still stand my ground on saying he needs a cool down increase on his a2. Just because i have him now im not going to say he doesn't need a nerf. I also say udk and sun wukong need nerfs also. Mainly for arena on all these champs. Sun wukong should only get 1 revival in arena only and udk just needs a nerf to is damage mitigation and his damage. God knows udk and sun wukong together is annoying because of how hard it is to kill udk. Sun wukong dies and just because you don't kill udk in time sun wukong just keeps coming back. If they don't limit sun wukong revives then they at least need to make it to where he doesn't revive every 3 turns no matter whos turn it is. It should be only the users turns not any turn its bs.

  2. If Plarium nerfs a fusion that I have I want a refund option on my resources, I mean a nerf on a fusion really feels like theft, its not like rng on a shard summon… it really isn't.

  3. What I love about the game is making viable teams even when you don't have meta champs. Doing more with less is part of what draws me to the game. It's a different type of competition when you figure out how to push content in spite of not having "x" champion. On Armanz… I don't have him. I will avoid him in pvp at all costs. He can solo my teams under pretty much any circumstance. If he goes first It's a wrap.

  4. I complained 1time about having to contend with high spenders and since THEN ON 5 different accounts over more than a year I have not pulled a single Lego!!!!! UNTIL I complained I was pulling legos fairly regularly. So I sent more than a dozen messages to RAID and it's really really strange the way they are acting towards me. THEY are being extremely NICE and keep telling me that the PULL RATES ARE NOT BASED ON MATHEMATICS BUT THEY ARE BASED SOLELY ON LUCK!!!!!!. . . . . . . . SO IF THAT'S NOT SOMETHING FROM THE TWILIGHT ZONE I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS.

  5. Nerfs shouldnt happen period and i will die on this hill, plarium should instead be fixing the kits of 90% of their legendaries so people can actually get value from a lego, i have 69 legendaries on my account and i use maybe 12 of them give or take its absurd.

  6. Ash! Love the video! I agree with Drock…Balance in the game is more important than progression for new players…We all went through it…I understand that it is over whelming for newer players to catch up…

  7. Pay2win would be fine if there would be more gifts for players ,easy going special events that did not require swiping, better daily rewards. I remember playing Genshin impact on release, and mihoyo was very generous with constant events in game with trivial tasks, but rewards were plenty AND usefull, needed by all. None of that bullshit farming 50 dungeons on auto just to have enough coins to unlock 2 cards, or 3 star chicken and few brews

  8. My problems is not Armanz! it concern the freebies we get. UDK and Sun Wukong are everywhere! Those are the problems. Theres no fun fighting thoses 2 if you don't have the champions to counter them. Armanz is not everywhere like UDK and the Monkey (except for end game players, in gold V you don't see Armanz everywhere) . You need to earn Armanz or any other champions, I'm totally fine by it. Even the Taras of the world. Most of the problems Bigpoppadrock talk concern mostly the End game players base. Others things no one speek! is making the game more fun and enjoyable. It is too easy to make the game annoying by just building a team with UDK / Sun Wukong and 2 others champions you want; this will be a boring fight no matter what unless you have power and champions to beat them. Suggestion for Armanz why not buffing The Panda for exemple, you give him a passive enfeeble to all ennemies for 2 rounds if you (sleep / deplete is turn meter / stun or sheep etc) so Armanz or others champions who tries to lock you down this way will only weak hit you for 2 or 3 rounds). An idea like that.

  9. This is an awesome video. In terms of a talk show, I'd love to see my 2 favorite creators, Ash and Hades, sitting down with Drock and Boozor. Make this happen.
    In my humble opinion, I believe that any champion that starts out as a fusion or fragment summon should not be nerfed. A lot of people put time and resources into getting these champions due to the attractiveness of their kits. The alternative, which was mentioned towards the end of the video, is to buff existing champions to be a bit more competitive. Another option, which was not mentioned, is Plarium should do more extensive play testing before releasing these champions. By now, they have to realize that their player base has some great strategic minds. Isn't that why the test server exists? Perhaps give the fusions a month of test server access before releasing into the game. Give some normal players server access for that month, and compensate them with some sacred and primal shards (maybe 5 & 10?).
    Keep making great content guys.

  10. Very simple why they don’t nerf.. I don’t know if you guys value your time and money but I do. Spent a lot of both getting Armanz. I spent that time and energy because I saw his skills and knew the potential. It came to be. Now you want to nerf it and take it away. Ok then give me my money back or F you and this game. I don’t understand what people don’t get. A character nerf would be a huge F you to the person that spent time and money on it.

  11. All I need to see is one nerf and I’ll quit the game.. Wtf am I spending time and money for if you are just going to nerf something. I paid for this, I didn’t pay for that. Starting to look like bait and switch.. Whole concept of a nerf is completely retarded in this game.

  12. Are you still asking plarium for the guaranteed champion instead of the x10, 15x, 20x, and 25x chances? Like you select the legendary champion you want, then on your next legendary pull, you get that champion.

  13. Speaking of Hydra Clash, I kind of like Hell Hades thought on it. He said there should be a point system, based on damage; i.e., 1-50+ billion gets 12 points, 999 million-500 million gets 10 points, so on and so forth. If they aren't going to adjust the Trunda issue, this could be a fair change.

  14. Im a little confused…. When someone says they want a Trunda "nerf, or what have you", but not a Seer "nerf". Trunda can't do that type of damage to Hydra without a specific setup. Same as Seer in pve waves. You need gear and setup. They have pushed so many events for Trunda to be accessible to people. As well as, most of the individuals doing (billions) of dmg to hydra, they have AMAZING gear most of the time. Not only for Trunda but the rest of the team. I would say the majority of those people that can do that are heavy spenders/people that have a ton of time in the game. And their clan would then be matched against other clans that could do similar dmg to Hydra.

    With all of that said, this whole "down with Trunda, or Tweak Trunda" episode that's going on. I feel isnt as warented nearly as much as some other things going on with Plarium…

  15. 4:04 I think nerfs for fusion champions suck a lot since the cost of getting the champion has been placed so high by Plarium, both resource and time wise and most of us pick what fusion to do and spend our limited resources on based on how strong they are. Getting champs like those nerfed into something no longer worth the price we payed feels bad. I think all non fusion champs however are fair game

  16. 16:05 I think this is mostly just RAID showing its age. The problem with every single “games as a service” style infinite games is that they constantly have to top what they did last time. If Taras+Marichka are the same power level as Siphi+Rotos then what is to motivate all the S+R havens to go for them? Not much unfortunately. I think Doom Tower and Cursed City were the best additions to the game for this reason, it made champs that might have not been so good in the past relevant, however releasing new challenges every single patch is a lot more difficult then just releasing a new champion that does something better then the previous champ unfortunately.

  17. I agree. Armanz is a 100% nerf needed. Taras e maritchka i see that can be countered nowdays, but should get nerfed on the "couple" passives. But i'd also include the new couple narsis and his pair. It is simple to know when a champion is broken. Just run the platinum players. If you see a couple in 90% os the platinum teams, they must have something too much. Ans the problem is that breaks the variety and competition, once you have to have one of those to compete.


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