Heroines That Sorted Mail And Blazed A Trail | February 13, 2023

Today on CNN 10, we’re highlighting an all-black battalion of the Women’s Army Corps unit that sorted millions of pieces of mail during World War II.  Their motto: “No mail, low morale” and they cleared the six-month backlog of mail in just three months.  Then, up next a new study shows the world is producing a record amount of single-use plastic waste.  We’ll hear from a team in Los Angeles that is using a barge to capture floating trash in waterways before it reaches the ocean.


38 thoughts on “Heroines That Sorted Mail And Blazed A Trail | February 13, 2023”

  1. Hello from MANUAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL, thanks for all the information you give to us every day and thank for giving light to the women of color that are in the military in the past and how they are as important at all the others and even more

  2. Me and my classmates have been wanting a shout-out for months everyday we watch cnn 10 in social studies, can you please shoutout mrs mccoys class in Bridgewater middle school? Love the video🔥


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