Heroes From Afghanistan: Chad Robichaux & Azizullah Aziz

Knowing their friends were left in harm’s way after the United States withdrew from Afghanistan, a small group of military special …


16 thoughts on “Heroes From Afghanistan: Chad Robichaux & Azizullah Aziz”

  1. Thank you Pastor Jackson for Chad Robichaux and Azizullah interview Lord Jesus bless them and their families abundantly .True Heroes and Amazing testimony. God bless them. Have them and their families in prayer and our military.

  2. I knew with everything in me that the now administration was lying. There is a special place waiting for all who made the decisions to put everyone in this kind of danger. 😢

  3. ♥️🙏 thanks to Chad and Aziz and all the other un-named soldiers that donated their time,money, resources,LIVES, for caring enough to sacrifice their lives for others..this trait is all but gone in this selfish world particularly in the U.S.,,they are true soldiers of Christ.

  4. It's just so awful to hear how badly our government is acting in all this. It's hard to understand why they can't be stopped. Beyond irresponsible is exactly right. Americans need to impeach all those involved in not saving Americans and putting people in other countries in such danger.

  5. Indeed, miracles still do happen! I've had undeniable miracles that saved my life, and also the lives of my 4 sons.
    I look forward to meeting these brothers in Christ someday in Heaven. I want to hear everyone's stories!

  6. This is an amazing story of Chad and Azizullah and their special force that doing good thing. at the same time it fury's me that this current administration is the one who created all this chaos to those our own American people and those allies… I see it clearly this adminstration is against everything what America truly stand for….and what they doing domestically and internationally is demonic. I pray God that do his will and raise up Godly people to stood up to do the right thing.

  7. So inspiring! Thank you so much Pastor Alan for sharing this beautiful story of the courage and integrity of these men, and the faithfulness of our God. God Bless America, keep Your people strong.

  8. I was so emotionally trashed when the Afghan withdrawal filled the news that I couldn't watch it. Instead, I prayed and prayed, joining Pastor Jack Hibbs prayers later that night. Then Glenn Beck had his challenges from our nonfunctional government which sent me to my knees even more. So glad to hear this triumphant testimony from the young man who helped with the evacuations. Welcome Azziz and thank you for what you did for our troops.


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