Hermaeus Mora Was Lying to Us… – The Daedric Prince's Best Kept Secret – Elder Scrolls Lore

The Lord of Forbidden Knowledge has a scandalous secret, and he erased it from everyone’s memory… We’re going to expose his lies, and unravel the mysteries of the most mysterious prince…

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0:00 – Intro
1:11 – The Conjuror’s Doom
8:50 – Hermaeus Mora
9:36 – What is He?
12:15 – The Nords and the Woodland Man
14:39 – Mephala and the Morag Tong
17:33 – Neloth on Apocrypha
18:16 – Reading a Black Book
19:47 – Apocrypha
24:58 – Ciphers of the Eye
25:45 – Nocturnal
26:03 – Pocket Realms
30:37 – Fate & Destiny
32:19 – Forbidden Knowledge
34:30 – Mora and Akatosh
38:28 – Mystery
39:46 – Lyg, Molag Bal, and Mehrunes Dagon
41:39 – Miraak and the Dragonborn Prophecy
46:36 – Hermaeus Mora’s True Power
49:02 – The Forgotten Daedric Prince, Ithelia
51:18 – Ithelia, Sheogorath and Jyggalag
57:04 – Mora’s Regret…
58:19 – Vaermina, Peryite, and Torvesard
1:01:06 – The Nerevarine, Champion of Cyrodiil, and Dragonborn
1:03:07 – Daedrologist’s Fate


50 thoughts on “Hermaeus Mora Was Lying to Us… – The Daedric Prince's Best Kept Secret – Elder Scrolls Lore”

  1. "What are you doing?" – Jordis the Sword-Maiden, surprised the first time the Dragonborn opens a Black Book.

    "Not again." – Jordis the Sword-Maiden, in exasperation the second time the Dragonborn opens a Black Book.

  2. Yep, Mora is my favorite prince once again it seems.

    One thing I've always wondered though, if Mora possesses the secret of CHIM, how does it not affect him?

  3. We learned to two things. 1. Mora has a copy of every save file of every character you've played yes that includes lovers lab. 2. Mora has betrayed everyone and is likely using the last dragonborn as insurance when and if the truth comes out.

  4. The reason Hermaus More doesn't know the result of his intrusions on fate is just like Paarthurnax says for Dragons "Even we who ride upon the tides of time cannot see past time's end." It's because the only being who originally could see all of the Aurbus was Lorkhan himself but being dead in the current form of mundus there's no way for anyone to get any real answers and also you left out Azura who also divines fate through the Twilight remember Azura is very old possibly even older then her other two sisters

  5. Your talk of nimics in reference to daedra reminds me a lot of “a wizard of earthsea” in that book any wizard who’s true name is discovered by another wizard, has their power lost to the person who knows their name, none of their power will work against the name knower.

  6. I personally hope they keep a lot of the fable themes and creatures. Especially the stupid British humor (maybe more mature?), Hobbes, Balverines, and physical changes to your character depending on how you play. Also I hope the music is as good if not better. I'm so hype for this!!!

  7. 55:10 "Should have been able to predict their downfalls" If Hermaues Mora was the fate un-realized, those who could predict or control fate, shouldn't know or have power over his 'future' actions, he is sort of like anti-fate, and for every fated action there is countless other possibilities that he realizes thus not predictable even if you can see fate, he is explicitly unfated. Or at least that's my take away.

  8. I always considered Hermaeus Mora to be the most likable of all daedra. Now I understand my instinctive sympathy to him much better. He is probably the most responsible for all daedra. He is basically Atlas, carrying the entirely of reality on his shoulders and should he ever slip up in a major way, this entire kalpa breaks

  9. Hey Drew, just a heads up that notifications aren't working. Would you be open to doing a community post shortly after uploading so we don't miss that first few hours of upload? I'm only aware of this a week later and check my notifications often.

  10. thought this was going to be about the inherently untrustworthy nature of the daedric princes, was (pleasantly) surprised by ESO lore instead. half makes me want to play it.

  11. "A traveller can become lost in fates that never came to pass, strange realities that can imprison the unwary in worlds of their own making."

    I think there is a message.

  12. Apocrypha holds all of everyone's save files — past, present, and future. Every time someone from an alien universe picks up a timeline, toys with it, and puts it down from boredom or distraction, discarding all the lives and struggles of the people inhabiting that timeline, a distant and callous foreign god: Hermaeus Mora remembers. Hermaeus Mora cares about all the NPCs you abandoned.

  13. Perhaps the reason why mora allows mortals to access the more dangerous secrets is because it makes them more dependent on him as much as it powers them individually people like mihrak come to mind dispite all of his power he was still trapped within hermaus's grasp as a sort of deal with the devil kind of situation

  14. If Nirn is a cookie, Hermaeus Mora is the flattened dough it was cut from, Shor is the cookie cutter, and mephala is the hole made after, and Sithis is the godheads empty stomach…. and namira is the concept of that stomach rumbling, and…. and… You know what, I'm going to stop.


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