Here's my silly little complaint about the 'Starfield' showcase…

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Starfield is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The video game was formally announced during Bethesda’s E3 press conference in 2018. The game takes place in a space-themed setting, and will be the first new intellectual property developed by Bethesda in over twenty-five years. The game is scheduled to be released on September 6, 2023 for Windows and Xbox Series X/S.
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42 thoughts on “Here's my silly little complaint about the 'Starfield' showcase…”

  1. I kind of expected this. This isn't any no man's Sky. There's no way it would be able to take lifting off from a plan and going out into space with that much graphical fidelity, especially being a Bethesda game

  2. I'm really hoping to add some ground Vehicles like Speeders or Rovers or something. That would be really cool and they could be fit for different things like being fast or combat or cargo to go back to your ship

  3. personally i thought it was pretty obvious the game wouldn't have any sort of ground vehicles or ability to get around super quickly. there seem to be planets that are entirely barren with nothing really on them which… i mean if those exist i really can't call that a negative because even barren planets can be fun to explore sometimes. but on top of that we saw a good few times, the player getting out of a ship, opening up their scanner, and seeing like 6 places within walking distance of the ship they just landed within like a 180 degree cone. the content to me at least looks like most of it is focused on planets that aren't all that barren. so to me it feels like there are probably like 100 planets you'll really spend most of your time exploring and then there are the barren planets that you can go to if you want but probably don't have much to see, which…. i can't really say that's a bad or good thing tbh. like if they're empty… just don't go to them, simple as. and if things are too far to walk to, myself, i would rather just use the ship to go there over top of having to drive, seems like it'd be faster if load times aren't atrocious. i'm not really one to drive vehicles in games in general though unless it's a space ship.

  4. My biggest worry is that it seems like this game is going to have basically the same amount of interesting content as Skyrim and then be 90% massive empty areas with nothing interesting at all.

  5. You're going to get a map, on a planet, with finite area to explore. Just like every other Bethesda game ever.

    I also hate to break your bubble, but you will probably be limited to specific points to land on. Like, you can land, and explore within the parameters, and you can also land elsewhere on the planet that has been pre-determined.

  6. They showed that you will fast travel around the map. Obviously they can’t do everything in the game. Land vehicles would be cool but they obviously wanted to fine tune the jet pack

  7. If every planet had at least 3 points of interest, thats 3000+ POI which is already crazy. Once you have tech to make 1 planet making 1000 isn't too hard, it's just a shame that you have these huge planets with nothing on them.

  8. okay i am actually glad this isn’t a thing as long as there are some form of mount/speeder vehicle thingy, cuz every time i’ve played a game that lets me fly my ship around the planet i find it boring and i like being on the ground and seeing the landscape around me not flying over it from above

  9. yeah i really do think it's weird we were not able to see mobile transport on a planet. But I do think mounts are a given. Even older Elders Scrolls have horses to mount to. It is very unlikely for a developer to have been developing a game for, not to mention, YEARS and not think about mounts/mobile transport. Surely at least one game tester within the dev team got tired of walking around planets and suggested a mobile transport.

  10. It's certainly a big deal.. but with the curated landing & take off sequence, I'd like to think they are limiting this so that the player doesn't get lost on EVERY PLANET.
    There had been times in Star Citizen that I'd get somewhere fun & random… but I'd be so damn far away I'd just turn the game off. I am hoping for some sort of planetary vehicles for sure.

    Edit: Not to mention getting your rover in Star Citizen isn't a thing that's JUST handed to you.. so like… meeeeeh, it shouldn't be an issue if the gameplay is designed in such a way that it doesn't feel important.

  11. Fun fact I learned while I was studying game design. Apparently, Bethesda's archaic engine can't do vehicles, not ones you can get in and drive. This is why vehicles are set piece moments in their previous titles, the wagon in skyrim, the brotherhood's ships in Fallout 4. In Skyrim, the wagon in the intro was connected to a character underground who was walking. I dont think people realize just how hard Bethesda is working to make this relic of an engine perform. Its going to show on release, what they showed us at the showcase was 100% doctored up.

  12. I don’t mind at all. It makes for a smoother transition from ground gameplay to space. I figured this is how it would be. It would take away from the immersion seeing the pop ins and the geography changing to render different distances( if you’ve played no man’s sky or elite dangerous you know). Its also probably unnecessary. Bethesda is good at pacing, so I doubt you will be forced to endure slow paced exploration unless you really want to. That said, I would really like speed bikes or hover crafts or something of some kind. Another thought-the idea of it feeling more like a story and less like a sim is cool to me. The take off cinematic reminds me of StarWars and the entering exiting space to atmospheres would probably feel a lot less smooth if you didn’t go straight to space when you take off. You would have to go into a menu while your flying to select space basically lol or they would have to develop a full entering exiting atmospheres system, and I personally think that’s 100% unnecessary. Playing elite and no man’s sky makes me realize the idea of spying from space to the surface sounds cool but is either really boring cause it take forever or looks really weird bc the way things render like no man’s sky.

  13. I think you overestimate how large the planets will be. If it’s larger then Skyrim and times that by 1000 with a lot less meaningful content on each then it’s just too much….

  14. Starfield is doomed to fail. It has to make up for the death of the fallout franchise. Bethesda as a company should be dissolved into obsidian who may actually be able to put the fallout and elder scrolls IP to good use. As it stands now the management at bethesda is more concerned with marketing than game development.

  15. You are an absolute waffler …. You do this everytime a big game comes out. You did this with hogwarts legacy which was amazing and now you’re doing it with Starfield I guess being hyper critical and negative gets you the clicks huh …. Absolute waffler

  16. Tbh I can understand why if they didn’t have complete time or just saving it for DLC. Or just expect the modders to fill it in. Either way i don’t think it’s a big deal because modders will definitely add vehicles of some sort to use.

  17. Wow people seem pretty angry about Bethesda. Did Bethesda hurt your feelings? Show us on the doll where Bethesda touched you. 😂 but seriously, it’s just a game. Don’t play it if you’re salty. Go be angry and spend another half a billion dollars on that eternally-unfinished space game, have fun with that. Meanwhile i’ma be having a blast as Captain Emmett Cheddar of the S.U.S. Crazy Diamond, on an interstellar mission to have the pointlessly largest crew possible in a spacefaring vessel. Taking over other ships and selling them, and chilling with my 75 crewmates.

  18. I’ve never EVER been this excited for a game. The closest thing I can remember was halo 2 back in the day.

    Yeah I know I’m jumping the gun, but I really feel like this will be my favorite game of all time!

  19. It is a big deal! Couse i just watched the new starfield preview, and i was waiting in planet spaceship flying too! I think Starfiel has those loading screens when you drop in the planet and when you think i just walk around the planet, there will be in 5-10 minutes some warning "you cant go that way" or something. So when Bethesda is saying we have 1000 planets to explore… that just have to be bunch of crack, plain and simple.


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